Also we all suspect it might be the bodyguard or the Male lead who was crying at the beginning first chapter. BUT if we are being super duper hopeful it could be the Male lead whose wife (the main lead) just died of old age. And she wrote him a letter. Anyhow I really hope it’s this kind of happy scenario. Well not happy but not tragic.
Ok so the title of this Manga is called firefly wedding. In Japan, fireflies are commonly used as a symbol of war or love. Which could suggest that she chooses to marry out of love. But also due to a lot of western art and literature going around the world it could also have the western meaning of fireflies. Fireflies in the west are often a symbol the impermanence of life. Showing how fleeting their marriage might be. Anyhow I really hope it’s not the latter! I’m going to cry so much when this ends
Wait why isn’t the ending happy?
Doesn’t he get his whole kingdom back? Doesn’t he escape the seme?
Unless his parents died then yes that would suck
SPOILER FROM COMMENT SECTION/I read myself too though and it’s pretty accurate
So turns out ukes brother who became emperor after he died was literally fucking obsessy vanessy and starting fucking and killing guys that looked like him until he found one that looked TOO much like him. Then that guy became a personal knight who is literally spit at because everyone knows he’s a kept pet. Strauss emperor is a piece of shit who abuses and rapes the poor guy who in turn HATES the uke because of what he’s had to suffer. Older brother also has chronic migraines that are debilitating but won’t get help. Ukes brother is after ukes ass hardcore trying to bring him back home and seme is like nooooo. No. Ukes brother kills his own son to frame the uke as well which upsets the semes son the crown prince because they were friends (they end going to school together but CP knows it wasnt the uke.) Long story short there’s a tug of war where uke is fucking naive believing his brother could do no wrong and this lands him in a trap his brother sets and the seme has to rescue him. He then proceeds to let the seme get mortally wounded to save his brothers life AS THE SEME IS SAVING THE UKE FROM THE BROTHER because he didn’t want the brother to die. Fast forward and the seme locks the uke up because he doesn’t want him going back to Strauss when the uke can’t even admit he has feelings for the seme even though his internal monologue is very much “I love the seme” and then the seme is like “you know what, fuck this, go. You clearly want to go and never listen to me, I won’t keep you from your happiness because I love you so go.” Uke is freaking the fuck out because he’s like “I kind of wanted you to keep me here but okay I’ll go back to Strauss.” Fast forward again, he kills off all his remaining family to become emperor and gets his old body back (grows up) and his delulu older brother is like heavy breathing on his neck the entire time until he passes away from an illness that he was aware he had that was causing the migraines. Uke gets an empress (because he needs an heir) while having secret affairs with the seme once a blue moon. Uke asks seme to be his consort and seme says “maybe when I can hand my kingdom over to my son I’ll consider it.” Lots of yearning and barely any time together as uke rebuilds his kingdom and legacy in Strauss.
Ok so did prince know him in his past life? Does he know who the dangerous people are because of this? Is he trying to prevent him from dying? Also it seems like the Duke has also been looking for him…another past life thing? Except it’s not their OG Nathan. Hmmmm they are both giving male lead vibes. Who do y’all think is the male lead?
Omg this relationship is too toxic. The female lead is constantly showing humanity and the male lead is constantly encouraging her to abandon whatever humanity she has left. He’s honestly evil. It’s sad because things could have been different if he had been showed love as a kid. Also who thinks he killed the second male lead? Personally I think he did out of jealousy. It doesn’t help how there’s no grave and apparently he stood by the empty casket for a while even though once he arrived back at the female leads territory he did not show any real remorse for his death. His feelings seemed fake honestly.
I usually root for the main couple no matter how crazy their relationship is but I hope that she kills hum in the end. He seems to be the true villain. Maybe that’s why the Crown Prince’s death was so anticlimactic and didn’t play out as if it was sooo important. Which it should have since that was her whole reason of being.
Also I’m pretty sure they are reincarnations of those 2 gods with a fucked up relationship.
NaoOooo why is he catching feelings for the duke? He’s so fricking creepily possessive. What about the prince? At least he fell for the actual MC whereas the duke fell for the kid Nathan who isn’t the main character !
I'm hoping it's one of those "the MC is actually the little kid but just confused a past/alternate life" thing or something, which would make it like "the Duke fell for the pass and current MC"