Title Update Recommend
2024 Completed(42) 2024-09-05 0
2024 Current and just waiting to get in the mood (15) 2024-09-03 0
2024 Dtf(5) 2024-09-02 0
2024 Want to Read(200) 2024-08-22 0
2024 Want to Read nsfw(50) 2024-08-18 0
2024 Want to Read part 2(7) 2024-09-04 0
BL w good smut(106) 2024-06-21 0
Break my heart but sweet(2) 2022-07-16 0
Chill Mangas I want to spend time reading(11) 2022-11-20 0
Chinese manga(2) 2022-04-06 0
Current reading 2024 (200) 2024-05-12 0
Current reading 2024 part 2(200) 2024-08-20 0
Current reading 2024 part 3(40) 2024-09-06 0
Cute(147) 2024-09-05 0
Daily Horror(1) 2022-10-07 0
Decent yaoi(200) 2023-09-04 0
Decent yaoi part 2(185) 2024-08-30 0
Delectable (83) 2024-07-17 0
Enjoy Regulars (127) 2024-08-20 0
Enjoy reading (116) 2024-01-24 0
Fapable(189) 2024-02-17 0
Happiness(61) 2024-09-05 0
List of bl that's been stacking(170) 2024-01-17 0
Memorable(5) 2024-09-02 0
Not BL would reread (2) 2023-01-19 0
Really Like (2) 2024-02-12 0
Reread(13) 2024-06-20 0
Slice of Life or Whatever Interested in(72) 2023-01-24 0
Slice whole life(21) 2023-11-09 0
Smut(53) 2021-12-27 0
Want to Read sorta :) (175) 2023-11-30 0
Want to fap(62) 2021-07-19 0
Wholesome(34) 2024-09-05 0
Yaoi I want to read (193) 2022-05-24 0
Yaoi more chill(9) 2022-05-21 0
Yaoi that I like (1) 2022-09-06 0
Yuri(22) 2023-12-13 0

Xeon_Asia's List Tags