The chapters look messed up, with the pages... Like are they out of order?
So, the raws showed that apparently the scene is setting up for more development for the ML. It doesn't happen again
When I read "you died. In order to kill your emotions you held your breath. Held it in again and again until you really died".... Honestly, I get those words on such a level that it shook me to my core.
When you push down the pain, the anger, the sorrow, the fear... Loneliness.... Push it all down until you can't feel it.... Changes you in a way that it's like your the walking dead. You mimic those emotions you see to fit the scene, but you don't feel it.... You just... Empty...
Their relationship went from 0 to 103858502.4 real fast
They definitely tammed it down from the novel.... But it's still pretty brutal. Like, he had not interest other then his own needs. I was worried I would have a stomach ache after seeing that scene unfold, but fortunately it wasn't as brutal. Still bad....
This isn't a "love story" that's for sure.
Okay, it's on chapter 41 or whatever.... And if it sticks to the book... Then it's gonna be fk'd up.
Like Seme is gonna SA him for almost 24hrs, with no remorse and practically leave him half alive. the uke barley survived his encounter with this dude. The seme has zero feelings and was only interested in the uke cause he was there. He originally planned to off him but he looked "fun"
If I ever wanted to talk someone in my next life, please let me remember this story cause HELLL NO. I hope my next life is true and honest.
So, I want to stop reading, but I'm now committed to finishing it cause I guess I like mental torture
See the whole uploading "joke chapters" isn't cool anymore. Definitely overly done over that last few years. I mean I enjoy the uploaders who made it seem like it's a joke upload, before popping out the legitimate chapter in the same breath... But not this. It's outdated
I like the big sis. I hope she tears him a new one
So... We gonna ignore what that creep old man did to the MC? Like.... Yo!