The next part of the final story, With Thou, is available at MangaPark.com. It was posted in January 2015.

unfortunately only part 2 (and 1) are available on mangapark. Part 3, the last one, isnt. ANy idea where it can be found? thanx :)

For those who want to read the rest of "With Thou":
Chapter 2 (translated): https://mangapark.com/manga/morotomo/i1148044/c002.2
Chapter 3 (Japanese raw): https://drive.google.com/open?id=15pvtoTtYPxWxVwF6v6oRoj_P1-wMCTtL
The next message, by lili_nuit, has spoilers, so do yourself a favor and read them after you finish! It seemed so benign and predictable at the beginning, but the ending had me in tears.