There is something that I dislike, almost hate, with the main character. She does not listen to the good people, to their good advices; she always to the opposite as if she is attracted to drama. She always runs to the troubles like she is some kind of superheroes and got herself crushed like an ant. Girl, stop messing around! For once, do something properly. You are the ONE ruining your own life because you are unable to get yourself together. Even the people around you are tired of you acting moody! Why do you have to bring everyone down with you? Be rational. Be good. Be true to yourself. Do right.
Imagine each time you tell your Boss "I want to get to know you" and end up in this weird situation. I am not so sure about strengthening our relationship anymore. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Mute- Jesus christ- imagen having sex while being on a call with someone and you're on MUTE- hearing their voice coming from the phone... probably calling your name several times to see whether or not you are still there... sghstght- mute... goddamn.
Mute- Jesus christ- imagen having sex while being on a call with someone and you're on MUTE- hearing their voice coming from the phone... probably calling your name several times to see whether or not you are s... DaLoneWolfSinz
Jesus Christ my mind went way off from the original comment... my bad ( ̄∇ ̄")
There is something that I dislike, almost hate, with the main character. She does not listen to the good people, to their good advices; she always to the opposite as if she is attracted to drama. She always runs to the troubles like she is some kind of superheroes and got herself crushed like an ant. Girl, stop messing around! For once, do something properly. You are the ONE ruining your own life because you are unable to get yourself together. Even the people around you are tired of you acting moody! Why do you have to bring everyone down with you? Be rational. Be good. Be true to yourself. Do right.
And to hell, Sandra or whatsoever is her name.