Huh, what happened ;(( you don't like my new ass? I'm sad

I believe it was love at first time in the first. You just disappear in my life at some point and I could bear with it. I needed to have you back next me.
More seriously : Weird things happened. I though I already followed you, but then, I didn't see you around in my follow's list... You glitched? So I followed again.

Im reading love is an illusion..I absolutely hated the writing behind the first arc and only get to the second arc through a hope the writing would improve...well the story got more interesting with an antagonist. I'll check out the other two but Hollow Lovers is shounen ai and I tend to stay away from those unless they're more bromance and less blue ball

Enjoyed our brief discussion on May belongs to me...I wanted to see if I could tempt you to take a look at MADK. Ignore the gore warnings, that isn't the focus of the story. It's the seduction and dynamic between the two MCs that will keep you entranced along with the subtle mind games. Another story, Dependency X is a deceptively fluffy omegaverse a lot of readers are all 'it's so cute..blah blah' I think they're fooled bc it is an omegaverse without rape but it is one of the more chilling omegaverses I've read. Share your thoughts if you're interested in either one.

Only the pastels in Dep X gave me issues from an art standpoint--should have warned you bout that, sorry! Beyond that I was horrified at the treatment of omegas...first they can be bitten at any age and force paired. The MC was bitten around age 7, the Alpha was the same age but given their sizes it looked kinda shota; next all Omegas by law have to be rounded up and put in a special school where they are groomed for the choosing by elite Alphas--they're taught that once bitten they will no longer belong to themselves but to their Alpha. I don't think they have any freedom--they have to marry an Alpha and breed. Anyway the majority of commenters are all 'this is so fluffy and cute' ooh and it's all wholesome cause no rape..
now MADK... I'm not into gore and if this were a full color manga I'd have been grossed out in chapter 1..Let me back up a minute on this one. In the US there is a tv show called the walking dead about how humans survive after a zombie apocalypse. What is interesting is that title describes the humans in survival mode not the zombies. The focus of the show is not on the gore of decapitated zombies and such but on what extremes people go thru to stay alive...the allure i felt for that show is the same as the one for MADK. Both are character driven and the twisted psychology is something to appreciate but yeah you'd have to get past that other crap.
Thank u for being open minded enough to look. The two 'normal' but well written yaoi I'm reading are Kachou Fuugetsu and Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai if you haven't already checked them out I promise great art, interesting stories, sex and just epic writing...more than enuf to make up for the other 2

? You told me that back in August. It's fine. I don't like dependency x either, I'm amazed at how people interpret the story so i stay engaged. Madk...well real gore and horror are not my thing and I did say it wasn't the focus of the story...however being an AMC the walking dead fan, I may be more desensitized to the gore and able to focus on the story and psychological aspects.
I couldn't get into Hollow Lovers. My current re read fave is A Thousand Cranes

I am disappointed. That prison of his is not even secure. Gosh. What kind of psycho ML cannot even keep his prisoners safe form outsiders? Unacceptable. HE F.A.I.L.E.D.
Knowing the ml.. he probably let this happen on purpose
Irredeemable piece of work.