I swear Maya's college version is like ++++++++++++++++++++ smoking hot. The mangaka does a great job on making a differences on the high school and the college year, you could really tell that he get matured, taller and hotter and fuckable (yes i said that). I was quite shock when i flip the page during the graduation ceremony and he already looked so different. I wish to see Nemu's growth too.

If im bored i'll always read the story from my favourite chapter. The sex scene on the car after Asami retrieved Aki. It was hot as fuck. One of my reason is that because Asami's dialogue during the fucking really get me that is .... 'So he'll only love me'
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ come here you lil piece of shit

I believe it's in a ship where they do their love affair and when Asami said that. It's the last chapter of the arc of Hong Kong. But you're right they're so hot together.

You're all like 'ASFFGJAL NEW CHAPTER !! ASAMI !! AKI !!" and here i am actually ENJOYING the view of Asami with his hair down. LIKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOVING IT IM STARING AT THE PAGE. I prefer his hair like this man, unstyled and natural. He looks even more .... fuckable - yes i did just say that. Uh lord, please more. I can't even sleep

I wonder if it's the hair, or that he isn't wearing a fancy suit. He looked rather hot in casual clothes in the Temporary Paradise extra (≧∀≦)
I think I'm going to wait for the next chapter a bit too anxiously contrarily to the last ones, damn it sensei, and here I thought I could continue to live in peace ( ̄∇ ̄")

I know right (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ he looks so delicious with casual clothes. He ain't even wearing anything and im already loving the newest chapter. I prefer him to be shirtless for the entire series now. I tought i could see new progress in their relationship but the progress that the mangaka gave us was a whole new level of PROGRESS. It's like 'Oh you want some development ? here i gave you gun shots scene with shirtless Asami' (▰˘◡˘▰)

Call me a total douche for actually liking to see Takano suffered a heartbreak from seeing Ritsu with other man or woman (Im sure Ritsu isn't bi, but his history of having a fiancee might cause the reason of Takano to still have insecurities about it) but eh im re - reading the second volume (cuz i can't wait and im so bored + i have no life) when Takano witnessed a drunk Saeki clinging into Ritsu and then the next panel he was already waiting in front of his apartement, drenched from the rain and he goes in a rage mode for seeing Ritsu with another girl and a confession that the later will never fall in love with him. I was like '(≧∀≦)' the entire time. Gosh, Jealous Takano + Possesive Takano is the best.

I keep rereading this magnificient shit over and over again. And during chapter 43-43 where Asami realized that Akihito was likely to run away from him. He began to ask if there's any other people who would have satisfy Akihito beside him, and then starts saying about how he'll wipe everyone who touches him. I take that as a sign that Asami was let say assumed that Aki runs because he found someone else (?) Asami never shows it but man sure he gets jealous a lot.

Funny, I never interpreted that as a sign of insecurity or jealousy. Jealousy is the fear of comparison. I don't believe for a second Asami has a problem in that department... ;) However, what that scene speaks of loud and clear is one of the leitmotifs of the story - and that is Asami being possessive and proprietorial. It resurfaces time and again ever since the first volume: "Don't touch what's mine." - "I don't like anyone to sully my things." etc. Of course, you might argue that Asami is unsure/jealous because love is one of the few things that money can't buy. But I don't see it that way, to be honest. :) Or rather, I don't think that's a thought that occurs to Asami since he is used to getting what he wants.
Another leitmotif is treachery. Something all the characters experience in one way or another. Yoh betrays Feilong's trust, Tou dupes Asami, Feilong feels betrayed by Asami etc. Asami himself has stressed on several occasions that he will wipe out anyone who betrays him, even the ones closest to him. And it has also become clear that this sentiment includes Akihito. There is always this lingering warning in the air: "If you ever betray me, you'll pay the prize". Understandable, given the dangerous business liaisons Asami keeps with both politicians and the underworld. You need to look over your shoulder constantly if you want to survive. Which is why things should/could become interesting/intense, if Asami ever finds out about "blowjobgate"...

HOLLY SHIT that 'blowjobgate' had me laughing so hard in the floor. We all know that Asami is possesive, but in the end it depends on each person to intrepret his words i guess ? It might not be his character to be jealous and insecure towards Aki, But i am the type of fans who likes to see a character to experienced something out of their character. It's more thrilling that way i guess. But i really want to see how Asami reacts when he knows someone had touched his property. But does 'betray' means 'leaving' him ? I just don't quite understand

Attention everyone, from now on, we shall refer to the fellatio Akihito performed on Sakazaki as ''The Blowjobgate''. XDDD
1000 likes to you @Emma! :)

Bless your heart, Duckie, I can do with a few likes today... ;)

Going to ramble about what's crossing my mind aha.
I wouldn't think he'd just leave him. It isn't the first time he betrayed him, after all, and it mostly ended up with getting mad then having sex. Though their feelings did grow stronger, so him getting insecure might be a possibility. In the latest chapters he looked more moody to me, he wasn't shining with as much confidence.
Also, Fei Long had more than touched his property, and he didn't genuinely try to kill him. Granted though, he probably had some sort of lingering affection (I really don't mean sexual) and he wasn't a total stranger barging in. Asami's reaction was to completely avoid the subject because he was mad, as Akihito noted. He really can keep his cool.
He's someone that does have emotions and compassion, but just likes to show his confident and ruthless facade. Like when he was rescuing Akihito, he did note he was getting hasty, and really the whole deal with Fei Long's past.
So that does make me wonder on how he would deal with that. I actually doubt he's going to kill every single person for that, that doesn't seem like his character to me, he's really more cool than that to me. That's especially apparent in the last chapters (before too), though one could argue that could be the calm before the storm, which it probably is to some extent. Maybe ruthlessly punish with his influence, giving them a hard time. Though Sakazaki is such an asshole I don't see why Asami would have any pity on him xD. Then again, I doubt killing that guy wouldn't have repercussions, he seems to share info to quite a few people.

Asami should leave Takaba if he figures out. He may've given Sakezaki te blow job for the sake of information, but nothing changes the fact that he was supposed to stay faithful to Asami. This just shows he a whore tat will stood low for information.

Regarding the 'then again, I doubt killing that guy wouldn't have repercussions' reminds me that Asami is the 'benefit' kind of guy. He does things that only benefit him, well does messing with Sakazaki actually bring benefit to him ? I wonder... but you truly pointed out one important thing from that guy, he does have compassion. I mean i read all the chapters over and over again because i was so bored with myself and i just couldn't get enough and found out tiny hints that he actually had a good heart deep down there. Then what else that i don't really understand was when he confronted Akihito after running away, Aki mentioned that it was useless to run away from him (i was confused at this point, it wasn't clear if it's Aki's dialogue or Asami's, but i take it as Akihito's) and said that Asami should just tie and lock him up so he wouldn't leave, and all of sudden it was visible from his reaction that he was mad. I just didn't understand why ?

Yeah, he probably can just make him back off by other means.
Regarding Asami's reaction, well in my French copy Akihito said before the tying-thing:
"So... I won't be able to distance myself (from you) anymore?"
Though that may just be a case of trying to make things sound more natural in French. Or just an interpretation case, Japanese can be really ambiguous.
Also, from the usual scanlation team (that chapter isn't hosted here though):
"If you don't have the strenght to fight it, just give up. You should know your freedom only exist within my hands. ->And I will never allow you to escape from it<-"
"If you say that... Then it was pointless for me to try and leave you."
Basically, he's talking about wanting to take keep away from him, and that he should keep him tied up to make him stay. Asami gets mad at that. I also think that at this point he would expect him to not want to do that, they did get a whole lot closer.
The one hosted here is way too confusing though.

When it comes to Akihito and #blowjobgate, I think there is another layer to the aspect of "betrayal". Asami might very much think that when Akihito did what he did, that was a betrayal of Asami's TRUST. We all know Asami is a wee bit... well not paranoid, but loyalty and trust seem to have such high value for him. Whoever betrays his trust and loyalty, whether in business or in his personal life, will fall hard.
That's why I find the prospect of Asami finding out about it so interesting. Especially since Akihito hasn't told him about it (duh, obviously... ; ). I might be completely off here, but: If Asami finds out about #blowjobgate via a third party (and remember, Sakazaki took pictures of it!) I would imagine him to feel disappointed and hurt. He might feel that Akihito betrayed his trust. a) by doing it and b) by not confiding in him and telling him what and why he did it.
One way or another, for Akihito it's a lose-lose situation. He's screwed if he tells him, he is also screwed if he doesn't tell him and Asami finds out.

I think it'll be the other way around.i think Aki'smgoing to run away again. and when amasi finds out what happened.He's going to be pissed and after the otherguy who did.............And u know.

Please Which Chapter is "Blowjobgate" featured. I don't think I have read that anywhere.

Please Which Chapter is 'Blowjobgate' featured. I don't think I have read that anywhere.

It refers to the chapter where Aki gave a blowjob to Sakazaki (another club owner, met Akihito twice before the Blowjobgate and both encounter showed him trying to molest the younger) for an information after receiving a permission from Asami to investigate the case regarding a matter about his own club

It's Chapter 44:
Best start with Chapter 43 though to know what's going on.

One way or another, I think the picture that Sakazaki took of the Akihito giving him a blowjob will come into play... *drumrolls* Duh-duh-duuuuuuuuuh! ;)

i agree with you that asami wasnt being jealous when he asked takaba if there is someone besides him that can satisfy him. but i dont think it was him being possesive either. i took it as "why are you trying to run away, even if you now there is nobody that can satisfy you besides me, you are mine dont fight it, cause you now you want it!" it was simply himm wondering about akis pointless strugle.
and the warning that he would kill of everynody that touches him was more like a warning to takaba. like " i wont let you get away from me even if you should find someone else, so stay put you dont want people to die cause of your careless actions!"
thats how i took it, but maybe its just me.
so then about the "blowjobgate" i dont think asami will get mad (he didnt get mad with feilong either and asami dont knows what happened in hongkong but he didnt care), more like dissapointed that aki acted like everyone else around him wagging their tails and doing anything to please him. as was stated asami sees aki as someone from his private life and doesnt really want him to be part of his world and i think he likes him cause aki didnt want to be part of it and rather fought it, and noe he was willing to prostrate himself for asami and became like everyone else around asami. but i think he reconized his mistake.
when asami asked aki if he wanted to join the game around him i wanted aki to say "why? arent you mine already?" so bad but sadly he didnt :(

*grins ass off* Awww, sorry, luv. I wasn't trying to put ants in your pants with anticipation. :D :D Yes, if it actually does happen (who can say where sensei goes with the story) I think it will be oh so bad, but oh so good (in a dramatic sense)... If sensei decided to play this one out, I think we can expect a major crisis. But I would imagine that something good comes from it, too. Asami and Akihito would perhabs be forced to finally face a few truths about their relationship and things unsaid, feelings unspoken. But again, who knows if sensei is going back to #blowjobgate at all and if she does, how it will play out. It's probably only going to take her 15 years to get there. :D ;)
LUKA, LUKA, LUKA CROZZERIA. I MISS YOU SO MUCH, I miss you that i cried so hard. Is it because today is my birthday that god pour me his gift with an update of you, (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ god listens to my sad prayer every month every time i realized that Uraboku's update is basically dead. Does this mean Hotaru Odagiri sensei is coming back ? Is she well and healthy to go back to this again >
Yuusss. The series is back and we'll be having a new chapter on december 24. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Yuusss. The series is back and we'll be having a new chapter on december 24. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
REALLY ? She's well and wonderful again ?
Yes, I guess. Afterall, she went on hiatus for more than a year because of her wrist problem but I think she's fine know. AHH I wanna know Luka's true name already. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜