Hulala created a topic of Wolves behind bars

Oh so cuteee, the chirpy's adventure book tho so cuteyyeyeyyeyeeywan arghhhh i cant hold the cutenesssss

Hulala created a topic of I Can See Your Stats!

Anyone know what chapter is this from the novel?

Hulala created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

If im not mistaken in this chapter Josh is ready to get the second child right ?hahhahahah

Anyone know where to read the side story of the novel? Raw or any other lang is also ok

Hulala created a topic of Snake x Cow
Hulala created a topic of Check You Out

He is not perfect ,but he try.

Hulala created a topic of Doku wo Kurawaba Sara Made

Soo, he fucked his wife which is the mother of his illegitimate child ,and he fucked the husband which is the ex-father of his child too hahahha this is hillariousss.and malakinand adrim and that idk prime minister ?when they let down their hair, they have the same faces

Hulala created a topic of Restart My Heart

Anyone can spil me ehat happen after this?this is based on novel right?

Hulala created a topic of Veil

''You are the reason that I want to see the world"
"you are the reason that I notice every little thing";

Dear late queen,for real?so how many sibling she have then (⊙…⊙ )

Hulala created a topic of Written in the stars

His grandfather is the cause.If the grandfather is chill ,this st*pid drama are not happening.this is like a royal story cannot love to another if not noble or somthing

Hulala created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Can anyone spoil me?what happen to the little brother while the MC inside the dungeon that cause other to says that to mc?in chapter 151 btw

Anyone can spoil me after chapter 106?i just wanna what will happen to them, i think i've been reading this manhwa since 4 years ago

Idc about anything and i come for smut hahahah,but that stubble,just shave itttt ahhhhh

Hulala created a topic of Spilled Blood

How can a person feel horny towards the person they raise from child?the brother treat the uke like his own brother,and when grew up they become horny toward their own brother,i can't ,ngl the sex scene is hot but when i see their flashback when his hyung win the teddy bear for him ,i feel touched but when they got back to doing it ,omg the ffeling disgusted.But i still read nevertheless,still here for the smut huhu just fiction right?right?

Somehow i dun't want that girl regressor to meet with MC at all,just follow your own routes girl,don't bother MC story at all,kinda annoying they scene always went to other person than MC.

I wanna his shapeshifting power so baddd,i can't wait for him for getting into his mother's father' company .he will use his shapeshifting power often