Aside from the fact that trash smell following Dan, I'm so worried about his health... he doesn't seem to realize his depression already hit rock bottom to the point of not even giving a F about his body and well being.. he's just waiting for his grandma to pass and he'll definitely follow her sooner or later considering the fact that his body involuntarily moved to ocean before... Bb is drowning without being in the sea

Rape is so mainstream in korean manhwas... is it....a normal thing... in korea?? Is it part of their culture?? Am i just too out of touch that i can't comprehend this?? Why do mcs in manhwas like this gloss over the fact they were just raped?? What's the state of the authors' mind to think this is a norm? What's the korean norm now that manhwas normalize this??
....i just touched grass for being overloaded with work... i think i need to touch or bathe or eat some of it too to cleanse my palette and mind...
manhwas are so out of bounds i question the reality of the author of how they come to that or what kind of environment they grew up to
( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

This is why I haven't read alot of manhwas as of late bc they seem to always normalize rape or use it as a means to further the story snd it's fucking disgusting. From what I remember K's Secret (their other manwha) didn't have raoe in it at all so i don't fucking know why the author chose this shitty ass route

It's still like a fever dream to me... It really hasn't sink in for me that this manga is already completed for years now i keep coming back here expecting news or updates whether pro league will be another different manga, I'm still in denial even after years... Reading this from the very first release and seeing it end...i can't cope 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
I seriously miss everyone in haikyuu it's like I'm having withdrawals not knowing how are my babies now (-----___-----)

What a stupid fuck, despite knowing the shady business of his previous job he's obviously aware of how dirty that side is...
Not selling your body? What a load of bullcrap, now suffer the consequences of your choices despite being warned

Factsss. Like he pretty much got trafficked into the life. He knows how dirty people can be. Who the hell trusts a CEO with connections to the brothel you got trafficked at??? Who’s obsessed with Je-oh?? Just cause he smiled and he’s pretty doesn’t mean he’s your savior. Get the fuck outta there. SMH I feel bad for him but brooo cmon now
I've been a fan since my junior high school years! And now it's finally back!! I was patiently hoping after the news and kept holding on since author promised to not let this go MY SHAYLA IS BACK (//T▽T//)