It was messed up. Seme is a pedo who met the uke when he was a minor. The comic is set when uke is an adult. Uke is kinda a masochist, and I remember this one scene where he's literally pulled into a van by a group of guys and forced onto, with the leader of the group saying it was okay because the uke would enjoy it.

Would love some recommendations for works similar to suicide island, death tube, danganronpa or though you may burn to ash. Something that makes me care about the characters, only to kill them. Gore/romance is highly appreciated, but not necessary.


Any good yaoi manga that have ukes with bobbed, blond hair? Or semes with long black hair?

seme with long black hair http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/liquor_cigarette/

Are there any manga in where the uke cheats on the seme? I think I saw a title like that recommended on the homepage, but I can't find it now..

I can't get over this manga.

I wanted to upload some comics from tapas that no one had uploaded here. I don't know how to upload, how do I start?

You can email the webmaster the comics.
Email: [email protected]
It would be easier for them to upload the pages if you put the pages in some sort of google docs.

The manga takes place in Japan, where in an attempt to improve the birth rates, people are assigned their own partners. The main character is in love with a girl that is not his partner. The partner falls in love with the main character, but pushes the main character and the girl he likes together. The main character's best friend is gay, and is also in love with him while stuggling to accept his own sexuality.

is it this? i don't really know but i know they're assigned partners
Hello! I remember reading a yaoi manga a few years ago, and have had no luck finding it now. Here’s all the info I have about it;
-Uke had black hair, while seme had blonde hair
-Seme was a tsundere
-One chapter was about seme complaining that uke came too fast. Uke ran to his friend, seme2 for help, and they end up having a threesome
-In one chapter, the Uke leaves for a few days, and the seme’s brother comes over and has sex with the seme, who turns into an uke.
-I think it was in black and white
-It had a very old art style
-I think there was a spin off manga where the seme gets possessed by a spirit, and proceeds to have wild sex with the Uke.
It sounds so cringy after typing it out, but this manga was so dumb that I just want to read it again lol
camping here cause it sounds so stupid that i wanna read it too
Lol camping
Now I wanna know too...
Who even came up with this storyline lol
what the actual fuck...
you know you could just follow the topic instead of replying "camping here" right?
anyways camping