The Baldy kinda looks like lan zhan idk
Yibo and Zhan are suited for this character....hope this will have a live adaptation.
I'm sorry but bald yibo will be fucking hilarious
I was fine before you said that
The top betta nt play with my baby yeom heart or else I'll chop off his badongkaah
Hmmmmm ........
TF ? R y'all even readin dis masterpiece? why's the rating so low !?bfr omg
Nope not my cup of tea
Leave my poor baby alone (╥﹏╥)
My poor babies (╥﹏╥)
White hair tWink bettr not touch the child (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯
He's getting worse each chap(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The Baldy kinda looks like lan zhan idk
Yibo and Zhan are suited for this character....hope this will have a live adaptation.
I'm sorry but bald yibo will be fucking hilarious
I was fine before you said that