yahwi stans cannot say shit when the mfer raped him...

I can’t believe you just said that, that’s actually pretty offensive, someone past can make someone serial killer, a rapist etc and it’s definitely but they can’t help it if they grew up like this. It’s called “trauma”
Next time, try not to be offensive cause not everyone has parents (like I don’t live with my dad for family reasons)

PRETTY OFFENSIVE TO A RAPIST.... I HAVE CSA ISSUES THAT DOESNT MAKE ME A RAPIST DOES IT???? even if ptsd did do things like rape it doesn’t fucking excuse SHIT AT ALL. next time how about you think about the rape victims experience rather than the the rapist’s past hm? it’s ppl like you that make it hard for rape victims to get justice bcuz you guys are always worried abt the rapist’s feelings :/

Bro, I’m not even trying to justify his rape or anything I’m talking about in general how many people have lost their parents and they wouldn’t have the same attitude you have about not caring about his past. Also for your second sentence “I have CSA issues that doesn’t make me a rapist…”
Everyone is different and handles things in different ways, we’re not all the same as you.
And I’m not trying to offend any rape victimes or anything, I’m just saying that from cases I read and seen on the news etc, serial killers, rapists etc often have gone through things in their past life to make them like this which I know doesn’t excuse them but it’s likely that they would’ve been a good person if they didn’t have trauma (yeah ik some just do it for fun but this is most of them)

yeah everyone goes through things in their life be it big or small. it just seems like you’re defending the rapist more than the rape victim by caring more about the rapist’s past life than the victim’s feelings. also so if a person has trauma and goes out and just rapes or kills them you think they should be let off the hook because of that trauma? i’m gonna be honest here i don’t give two fucks if a rapist or a murder had a hard childhood i’m more worried about what the rape victim is thinking or what the family of the person who was killed is thinking.

I agree but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel bad for a killer/rapist because it’s the same thing with their family and friends, like imagine your best friend or child turns into some serial killer or rapist, you could end ties with them or whatever but wouldn’t you at least feel a little bit bad that they were once someone so nice and something went wrong in their life..? It’s almost the same with both sides (the rapist/killer and the victim), the families would be really upset.
“also so if a person has traumas and goes out just to rape or kill them, you think they should be let off the hook because of their trauma?”
My answer to that is no, because ofc they gotta get punished for harming other humans but they should get some therapist in prison if they’re seriously not okay (well that’s mostly up to the judge)
And also there is really nothing to defend Jooin on, he doesn’t even try to avoid Yahwi and he got himself stuck in this situation by sticking with Yahwi and having Cain by his side, so seriously, most of this is his fault for being one of the dumbest Ukes I’ve ever seen in a manhwa.
I know that Yahwi kinda came onto him first but at this point everyone should know that Yahwi needs Jooin/loves Jooin (I would explain it but I’m really busy atm so yeah)

yeah there’s nothing rlly to defend jooin on because he’s too dumb to realize shit. jooin got raped and he couldn’t take time to think about his fucking self in that situation, rather he didn’t think about anything. he just kept on going with the flow and letting yahwi do whatever. it’s clear that yahwi isn’t ready for a relationship. the whole rape thing isn’t using this manhwa as an example because it would be the worst example possible. yeah i get what your saying about having a close friend turn out to be a serial killer but in my eyes i’d be more focused on all these years i’ve spent with this person only for it to turn out like this. when i think of rapist or serial killers i don’t usually think of their past but others have much bigger hearts and feel some kind of sympathy or something for that. i just think it becomes a problem when the person feels more for the wrong doer in the situation rather than the victim or idolizes/romanticizes the wrong doer. it’s just kinda gross to me you’d feel so much for someone who did that yk?
“ cain is manipulating jooin “ do you guys even know what manipulation is?
you are saying that what cain did isn't manipulation???
do you even know what manipulation is?
manipulation and having a two faced personality is two different things And the only reason why he has a two faced personality is because he’s a dog who’s loyal to their owner only, he’s been nothing but straightforward with him. but what yahwi did is the exact definition of manipulation. he betrayed him and when he started to feel guilty about he decides to act nice while still being hella fucking forceful. if i did what he did to someone and felt guilty about it my first fucking thought would be to apologize and leave them alone because i know the pain i’ve caused the person
What is cain now? Is he still a dog? So you are saying that being two faced is normal? Manipulation is tricking someone in order to get what you want. He tricked Jooin just so he can stay at his place. Manipulation is dishonesty and withholding information. Using emotional connection to control another person's behavior which is basically what cain has been doing, he's always clingy, invading Jooin's personal space, being possessive when he doesn't even have any rights to Jooin, putting Jooin's hand on his head telling him to give him a chance when he just said a few days ago that he's willing to wait and then literally the next day told him that he's a man too. Cain is always interfering in Jooin and Yahwi's business, and then apologize right after, and then he will do it again, and then will apologize again, and then he will meddle again. Don't use Yahwi to defend Cain because Cain should be held accountable for his actions too.