Bee's feed

Bee created a topic of No Mercy for SCUM

Fuuuucckkkkk I looooooveee the way she’s so unhinged. Because he fuuucking for real rnnnn

She does everything for him. She literally lives for him and gives him free rein to do anything he wants so long as he “loves her” and comes back to her. Home girl cooks breakfast, sets his clothes up for the next day, cleans the house, cooks n shit, AND THEN FOR FUN plans her routine around what he would like!! LOL I’m not saying this type of girl doesn’t exist but I sure the fuck would not want to live like that.. in order to be that kinda wife someone has to reaaaallly love him and there she is~

It’s just sooo good dude. Bro straight up married her because she’d be easy to live with, does what ever he wants and doesn’t think they’ll be consequences. Like lol, what a loser. I’m so happy for his outcome.

Hope you like living a lie babe cuz you’re going to have to fake loving it or probably die.