Yea, majority of my dreams are weird af.
Like. Me walking outside our neighborhood then suddenly i got loss, like what! It doesn't even look like my neighborhood anymore. I was just walking for like 5 minutes. Night came, i still can't find my home like as if I'm in a another dimension. Dreaming inside my dream. Its a compilation of dreams inside ...... reply
1. Stop all sweets or beverages or food that contains A LOT of sugar.
2. And, swap it with water, like 8 glasses of water a day, JUST WATER.
3. Then you MOVE more, Exercise and reach your limit.
4. Then you pair that with a healthy food, like salad or protein. Cus if you move more and eat less like calorie deficit without skipping, you'll get the ...... reply
Black Haze
Been rereading it and it is still soo gooddd. Still can't get over why author nim has to stop the manhwa and focus to the recent one. Both are good but why stop
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