the previous emperor was spineless worthless scum who has no empathy or shame
Like, when ML was a child he rightfully called out his "father" on his shitty treatment of him and his mother, and his spineless attitude of keeping a mistress and not standing up to his mom about marrying who he loved
And the fuck ass, slapped the little ML
Death was too good for him, he broke people and never suffany consequences
I want the ML to talk to the press about the entire thing so he will go down in history as the shittiest emperor

I think there's no reason for such a scene to be created, there's already chaos within the government since people want to step down and don't want to be under nutjob(Gyesoul) over there, so it would only make things worse if the prince suddenly comes out and goes on a slander campaign of his dead old man. The noble society already knows the king was a dingus and fool, the ml should seek to stand out and away from that bad paper trail and prove himself as a good leader, not a potential crash out going on rants about their parents.

Girl can't use her head for two seconds:
How would glasses girl get into reasonable contact with kuon? Mito was able to accidentally meet kuon because he serves her partner. Glasses girl's partner is of a lower rank than kuon so following respect rules, she can't just strike up a conversation with him.
Only explanation is that she thinks glasses girl told her partner about the situation and then the partner told kuon. But then, why now instead of since the beginning of the faction war? Finally got fed up?
Actually explanation, she just has a big head and glasses girl is the obvious target/culprit because no one could do anything to her

It's off-putting how calm and stone faced he is
I can't put my finger on it but I looked back at chapter 2 to compare his resting face and the end of this chapter and I am unsettled
Imagine if we find out that there is something just not particularly right about MC (don't bring up his villain killing and his feats of extreme rage, that's not what I mean)
He found out her identity very easily