Nuu February 18, 2025 6:26 am

It funny how she was going slow with the whole thing, then he said that ignorate shit and she took the kid gloves off the moment she got the chance like "nah, you were talking all that good shit a moment ago. Where's your conviction when faced with the pain your mother's happiness resulted in?"

Nuu February 17, 2025 8:08 am

When the FL and fuck-ass reunite, I better not see that sha-la-la-la flowery effect. I will beg for FL to stay strong and not fall for him in the end but you already know she will

Nuu February 17, 2025 7:16 am

You were born with a mouth to communicate

Nuu February 16, 2025 4:41 pm

But why did her dad marry her commoner mom if he had no affection for her?

    9090 February 22, 2025 10:12 pm

    i would say that maybe she got pregnant and he had to marry her because of the pregnancy?

    Liu Yue March 8, 2025 3:16 pm

    Most likely her mom wasn't actually a commoner, my guess is maybe someone from the enemy kingdom mujehehe

Nuu February 16, 2025 4:31 pm

THE FUCKING HOOPS IN THAT LOGIC. INSTEAD OF DOING ALL THAT, SIT BOTH OF THEM DOWN AND SAY TO THEIR FACE "I know you like each other and one of you is killing their feelings on the assumption that an alpha must be with an omega, and the other is being a bitch about their feelings not admitting it the entire time"
It would at least get the conversation on their feelings going with each other

Nuu February 16, 2025 6:37 am

Nah, you can't just do this to us

Nuu February 14, 2025 6:33 am

Cool, she's free from his nonsense after this trial

Nuu February 13, 2025 6:57 pm


Nuu February 12, 2025 3:42 pm

Takatora just keeps getting let down by alphas around him. There was his coach in the extra that he had a good amount of respect for till he fucked up, now this dude where he just was being civil and a good boss to
At least he has his uncle and oh boy, that relationship better not change

There's a difference between knowing stuff happens to people vs having it happen to you, and Takatora is being proven wrong with his way of thinking.
The not hiring omegas thing came back to bite Takatora in the ass due to being drained by the constant barage of alpha pheromones
His uncle advising him to use what he has to his advantage
And the events on the last few pages, could be his lack of awareness and caution as a omega

Also I hope this somehow doesn't turn into Takatora being blamed for "seducing" him

And I hope this won't turn into completely tearing Takatora down to his lowest so he can change because that would feel forced to me and it'd feel like a speed-run to got Takatora to where Takatora should think.

    jupiter February 12, 2025 10:28 pm

    I meant to like, sorry T_T tses damn small buttons

    Nuu February 13, 2025 2:09 am
    I meant to like, sorry T_T tses damn small buttons jupiter

    It happens, no problem

    Shic ❤ February 13, 2025 4:02 pm

    My advice will be please don't get so hopeful.

    Nuu February 13, 2025 4:14 pm
    My advice will be please don't get so hopeful. Shic ❤

    On which part? The uncle, the seducing allegation or the rock bottom part?
    Because I can see the second one happening very easily and with the uncle one, I just want Takatora to not be let down constantly. The rock bottom one is the one I fear the most

    Shic ❤ February 13, 2025 4:52 pm
    On which part? The uncle, the seducing allegation or the rock bottom part? Because I can see the second one happening very easily and with the uncle one, I just want Takatora to not be let down constantly. The... Nuu

    It's Asada san's story, and everything you mentioned could be possible or even worse, that we can't even think of. If you fear that Takatora will hit rock bottom, then just imagine that going to happen. Asada san isn't very forgiving when it comes to her characters anyway. That's why I said don't get your hopes up.

    Nuu February 13, 2025 6:39 pm
    It's Asada san's story, and everything you mentioned could be possible or even worse, that we can't even think of. If you fear that Takatora will hit rock bottom, then just imagine that going to happen. Asada s... Shic ❤


Nuu February 11, 2025 4:25 pm

"Hit on" by a kinky guy
My ass

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