Yumeko's backstory is so damn sad. Wtf. I hate that freckled cousin.
Short, cute, and sweet. But most importantly, dramafree
Bruuuuh. Not the "... and they were best friends" ending
Is it just me or did Somi's mother love Sola? Because she definitely has a type with the her new target/love interest.
Thank god this got a continuation and is more wholesome than the one-shot. The stand-alone was kinda twisted.
This manga is so troll omg. On another note
Pls tell me she's not gonna bang her sisters. That's nasty.
Now there's the big reveal! Even the translator is on the case. F you losers who spoil the story for everyone else. Happy reading
This is really cute. I wish they slowed it down a bit and let us savor the relationship. It's progressing really fast. I think the story is coming to an end soon
Confessing already based on a feeling And to your boss? You've known her for a week max. If I was pink hair girl I'll be pissed too.
The webtoon is good so far. I kinda wished they went more in depth for why the characters liked each other bc its progressing real quick with no real reasons.
Ch. 5 damn that kiss came out of nowhere wth. Where's the tension and the romantic build up?
Who tf pours a whole glass of soju in a cup like that
Okay I’m sick of this shit. To all the people in the comments that keep replying with MAJOR spoilers in comments that have NOTHING to do with that major spoiler and the person DIDNT ASK for spoilers either I hope you get severely burned like why tf do you keep spoiling and it’s such a major spoiler too like seriously hope the worst for y’all, cuz not only do you spoil this poor person WHO DIDNT EVRN ASK TO BE TOLD THAT you’re spoiling other people who just want to see what people are saying about the latest chapter. Y’all are the worst spoilers I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing at least spoilers of other stories have the decency to cover up to where unsuspecting people don’t see it. Fuck you, you know who you are.
Chapter 13 got me scared. I thought she was about to get hit by a train.
Why do they love making pink haired people the bad guys? Rip
The title is true... Somi is slowly becoming like her mother. Hopefully she can break out of this cycle but her mother is not helping the situation at all.
Fuck he's dead! Good riddance but how are they gonna cover it up this time?
Man, what happened to people making sweet and wholesome gls