nims April 4, 2021 3:39 am

Oh god I didn’t expect him to actually meet the real twin any time soon but it’s happening. I gonna feel cursed if I end up liking the cute one more because I think he will end up with Jaewoo

nims March 19, 2021 3:01 am

I think it’s hilarious how people completely erase the fact that Minho was abusive with Doona during their relationship. He made her insecure and treated her like shit all the time, even after breaking up he continued to treat her badly and shamed her for her sexual preferences. Many times he acted like he was entitled to her like he owned her. Once Doona finally gave him a 2nd chance and saved him he immediately went back to his abusive behavior again. He is a shitty person and someone who always thought he was superior to everyone else which gave him the right to be rude to others, he dug his own grave on his professional field. Now when he finally had to man up and face the consequences of his actions (in his career) like the grown ass man he is, he goes to Doona instead, because he still believes he is entitled to her, he thinks that she OWES him something, kindness, care and whatever else which is SO SHAMELESS.

She has made the resentment she feels towards him clear so many times, she hates him and wants to hurt him but he fails to see it because he can only care about HIS OWN feelings and no one else’s. And by saying that i’m not justifying Doona’s actions but she is not the one chasing after Minho to torment him, it’s him who keeps DEMANDING help from a person who clearly despises him. Many times he is given the chance to leave and save himself but instead he stays, and let’s not act like he doesn’t have other options, he does but even when he is at his lowest he is too proud to take them. The money he rejected from his friend? the money he rejected from Doona when she was simply giving it to him to stay at a hotel? why? because he thinks he is too good for that. I feel bad for him sometimes but I can’t pretend that it’s not his own actions time after time that have lead him to where is right now. And he will continue to be a despicable person who makes shitty decisions and tries to take “the easy” route again and again, that’s why there will be a side story of him and Wookyung, that’s just the kind of person Minho is. Also I feel baffled seeing all those shitty unnecessary comments on the translations? not only the translator is probably taking the spanish translations without permission but also being disrespectful to the author and their work, who do you think you are to add your shitty takes to their work like that? it’s unprofessional and if you hate the whole thing so much simply drop it.

    I read manhwas March 19, 2021 3:22 am

    That's what im saying, those small remarks looked targeted at donna only, as if minho did nothing wrong.

    Megumi March 19, 2021 4:37 am

    right minho was abusive but is what Duna's doings does any justice for what Minho did in the past?(i don't mean to fight for my opinion it's just wha Duna's doing is also wrong much wrong on what Minho did Duna also take advantage of Minho when Minho is suffering)

    Sama March 19, 2021 4:42 am

    i 100% agree but the second duna saved him she r8**ed him.These two (and the other rapist of course) are my most hated characters.

    nims March 19, 2021 4:49 am
    right minho was abusive but is what Duna's doings does any justice for what Minho did in the past?(i don't mean to fight for my opinion it's just wha Duna's doing is also wrong much wrong on what Minho did Duna... Megumi

    What Doona is doing is wrong I didn’t say otherwise, my comment is about people act like Minho is an innocent poor guy who has done nothing wrong in his life when that’s not the case.

    Sama March 19, 2021 5:26 am
    What Doona is doing is wrong I didn’t say otherwise, my comment is about people act like Minho is an innocent poor guy who has done nothing wrong in his life when that’s not the case. nims

    oh i know you didnt say otherwise i just wanted to correct you on that one little part of your comment, i agree with everything youve said so far

    nims March 19, 2021 5:33 am
    oh i know you didnt say otherwise i just wanted to correct you on that one little part of your comment, i agree with everything youve said so far Sama

    I was replying to @Megumi’s comment! but thanks and i definitely understand why people dislike the characters you mentioned

    Aniel March 19, 2021 7:19 am

    You seriously are so blind? Minho's actions don't make BASIC SENSE but it's written like that to torment him and justify the abuse he faces.
    They dated for one or two months. We literally have FEW scenes how he was shitting on her writing and it was basically it.
    If she doesn't want his presence then she should call GUARDS, POLICE, not rape and abuse him. You know act as decent human being.

    Aniel March 19, 2021 7:20 am
    I was replying to @Megumi’s comment! but thanks and i definitely understand why people dislike the characters you mentioned nims

    And Minho is the only one who faced financial problems. Be was working his ass for years and was paid shit meanwhile everyone has money our of thin air in the story and doesn't have to worry about them.

    Aniel March 19, 2021 7:33 am

    Oh so what were his options at the end? Basically prison or Wookyung. But hey he has so many options.

    Aniel March 19, 2021 8:17 am

    Also after all rape and abuse she literally owns him at this point.
    Plus his workplace is corrupted as hell. But of course no one is even reading the story.

    nims March 19, 2021 8:23 am
    You seriously are so blind? Minho's actions don't make BASIC SENSE but it's written like that to torment him and justify the abuse he faces. They dated for one or two months. We literally have FEW scenes how he... Aniel

    Why are you so upset? lmao. Minho IS the author’s character and creation so whatever she writes him to be that’s what he IS. Or what? are you going to act like you know Minho better than his own author? if she writes him to be shitty and abusive regardless of the amount of time they were together then that’s how it is, cope. Options... there were other options, were they amazing options? obviously not given the situation. I mean he spent a shit ton of money on stupid stuff, he still kept some of his super expensive watches instead of selling them. He could have taken the money offered to him by his friend, he could have gotten a part time job, those are realistic options too. And idk why you are so mad, I never said Doona isn’t a bad person... she is but that wasn’t the point of my comment.

    Aniel March 19, 2021 8:33 am
    Why are you so upset? lmao. Minho IS the author’s character and creation so whatever she writes him to be that’s what he IS. Or what? are you going to act like you know Minho better than his own author? if ... nims

    Yes every character in this story spent ton of money on booze and cigarettes, expensive lingerie and toys. But who even acknowledge that.
    His character is obviously bad written. His actions are unrealistic and it's poor excuse to abuse him.

    Megumi March 19, 2021 1:24 pm

    I'm also aware of Minho's action but I was just pointing out Duna's wrong doings as well They own have bad behavior but we know to ourselves that it's up to them if they want to continue being a shitty person.

    Megumi March 19, 2021 1:29 pm
    You seriously are so blind? Minho's actions don't make BASIC SENSE but it's written like that to torment him and justify the abuse he faces. They dated for one or two months. We literally have FEW scenes how he... Aniel

    Exactly that's the point if Duna really hates Minho she should just leave him alone but instead she seeks her "Revenge" for what he did in the past and it's not like they have a long relationship to argue like that if they want to stop they should cut off ties

    nims March 19, 2021 3:25 pm
    I'm also aware of Minho's action but I was just pointing out Duna's wrong doings as well They own have bad behavior but we know to ourselves that it's up to them if they want to continue being a shitty person. Megumi

    Yes yes, i’m aware of Doona’s wrongdoings and most of the readers are too. My comment was about Minho because people love forgetting about his wrongdoings and what his entire character is about. It’s kind of weird how you guys try to minimize Minho’s abuse towards her by saying they didn’t date long? abuse is abuse. And the whole “past” thing as if they didn’t sort of get back together at some point in the present and it’s not like he stopped treating her shit after they broke up either lol, I don't get the obsession with justifying him. I also agree that they should have cut off ties or that Doona should “leave him alone” but let’s not act like it isn’t Minho the one who continues to inserts himself in her life, goes after her, to her hotel room, to her house if it weren’t because of that they wouldn’t cross paths much.

    Aniel March 19, 2021 4:48 pm
    Yes yes, i’m aware of Doona’s wrongdoings and most of the readers are too. My comment was about Minho because people love forgetting about his wrongdoings and what his entire character is about. It’s kind... nims

    I've never ever said Minho is some innocent lamb. He is misogynistic asshole but he is also very insecure man with inferiority problem. He is mostly bark no bite.
    He abused her emotionally. He hurt her.
    Although SOME of his critique was valid. What did he do beside critiquing her writing? Not saying that it was ok. It absolutely wasnt. And even if he didn't like the way she writes he could be more gentle about the whole matter.
    She also cheated on him for example.

    But I will never agree with opinions that rape and abuse she put him through is similar or on the same level as him being an asshole. And that he deserved that or it's his fault. I can't agree with that.

    He has feelings for her that's why he goes after her and he doesn't have any close relationships beside her and glasses mate. She should have cut the whole thing off, call police, inform court everything beside rape and abuse.
    Right now she is a rapist. And he is an asshole.
    It's not like she "only rapes him". She abuses him emotionally too. Degradates him, makes fun of his impotence or size of his member, of his living conditions etc.
    Did Minho hurt Doona yes? But what she did and is doing is literally a crime.

    nims March 19, 2021 5:42 pm
    I've never ever said Minho is some innocent lamb. He is misogynistic asshole but he is also very insecure man with inferiority problem. He is mostly bark no bite. He abused her emotionally. He hurt her. Althoug... Aniel

    I never said her abuse towards him is on the same level as his abuse towards her though. And I haven’t justified any of her abuse towards him either. Saying it’s Minho the one chasing after Doona isn’t an opinion but a fact as we see it happen in the story. I don’t disagree with anything you said about Doona.

    Aniel April 3, 2021 3:06 pm
    I never said her abuse towards him is on the same level as his abuse towards her though. And I haven’t justified any of her abuse towards him either. Saying it’s Minho the one chasing after Doona isn’t an... nims

    Yes he chased after her. I've never denied the fact. He chased after her because he has feelings for her and she is the only support he has beside the friend with glasses. That's a fact too.
    Still it doesn't give her right to take advantage of his feelings or abuse him and rape him. She should act like a normal person and cut him off completely and if he didn't stop chasing after her inform legal services to take care of that.

nims March 13, 2021 5:57 pm

“I wouldn’t think about you if I didn’t have time to think” amazing. Huilin and Jaehee’s love story>>>>> anything else on this manhwa, it was mutual love from the very beginning unlike with Sulhwa where she just stalked and pestered her till she liked her back. Also Huilin’s dad was so sweet and supportive, it’s so heartbreaking that he died.

    Mlklatte March 17, 2021 8:14 am

    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right!

    Matt Murdock March 17, 2021 10:19 am
    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right! Mlklatte

    shut up

    Matt Murdock March 17, 2021 10:20 am
    shut up Matt Murdock

    wait wrong reply sorry

    tomatojuice March 17, 2021 6:39 pm
    wait wrong reply sorry Matt Murdock


    nims March 17, 2021 9:31 pm
    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right! Mlklatte

    you think i give a shit? Sulhwa literally assaulted Jaehee after she had sex with Huilin at the school. (more like raped and physically assaulted, despite being a bdsm story there was no consent given in that situation). Honestly all the characters in the story are morally gray so let’s not act like any of them are angels who have never fucked up.

nims March 13, 2021 2:45 pm

Love those two

nims March 12, 2021 9:40 pm

On god this is the saddest thing I’ve ever read

nims March 9, 2021 5:24 pm

Yuna finally getting coochie later we popping bottles! tbh the last 5 chapters felt rushed and could have been handled way better but regardless of that i’m satisfied with this, it felt silly but it was incredibly cute. I’m really happy for them!

Joy handling the break up way better than her stans, pull out the stick out of your ass y’all or simply exit the site.

    Sashabraus March 9, 2021 5:32 pm

    Right!? some hate Yuna for it,I say they need to read the manga again and again until they realize the truth

nims March 8, 2021 4:55 pm

They are all lesbians?? this just gets more insane, the most unrealistic part is all of them liking the MC because she is bland as hell but I’m glad she told off those girls, not the time or the place to be fucking lol

nims March 7, 2021 5:06 pm

FIRE THEM! how are you going to fuck in the office while your CEO possibly died and the police is there

nims March 7, 2021 4:03 pm

LMAO she really told Joy that Dahye might like her so she can’t date her anymore?? that’s so insensitive. I really enjoyed the Dahye pov chapter though!

nims March 6, 2021 4:50 pm

what the fuckk I wonder how this will play out. But jfc I CANT stand Bora, how does she never listen?? Whenever the mc tells her “NO” she just completely ignores it and she is sus as hell too... definitely took something from that box.

    eⓇica March 6, 2021 5:41 pm

    Fr she's start getting on my nerves

    mqay March 7, 2021 1:45 am

    She sees Mc attractive and i think thats why wouldnt leave her alone, but yeah..when a girl say 'No' it means 'NO'(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

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