Did they just like... white washed her?? I don't think it was necessary at all. I liked her skin color, it's different, I don't usually see dark skinned characters on manga (me at least)
Just because she received a gift from the light king it was not a good reason at all to just change her skin color , yeah ik that from the beginning her skin was darker bc she was with the dark king and all. It was totally unnecessary in my opinion. :v hated it. I want my chocolate child back

I don't think this is the first time I read a buff uke x thin seme but I never really liked it . But this....THIS ONE MAKES ME GO WOOOOOO BOYYYYY I love the whole game thing, I love the seme, hes cute af. The uke....aaaahh the uke. ....it...its just everything, I love everything, the expressions , the looks , how he acts and HOW HOT HE IS LIKE WTF. And I loved how he was just like all flirty? I love it. I also need to pay my huge respects to the artist, how I already said but I'm going to say again the expressions are just so yummy, the art in all too not gonna lie that some parts the art confuses me a bit but that must be bc I read too fast. (≧∀≦) I hope this journey will be long, with plot of course, lots of fun and yummy spice scenes („ಡωಡ„) will always be waiting for more ♡♡♡♡
How is he an emperor? Like ??? You serious? ????? Can't even think about jealousy? ??? Go back to school , you need to attend classes Jerk ;---;
I don't want this ML anymore , y'all can take him
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 [Jerk]