So my school has a cross country program and I talked to my friend and found that it's about 3 miles. I want to know how can I train to run 3 miles? I run a mile 2 times a week and it's usually 8:20 mins. But then I want to seriously start running. What clothes should I wear? How do I breath? How do I pace and improve? I wanna know as much info as I can before I go into something like this. So if there's any cross country runners or just long distance runners in general it would be really helpful if you can give me your expirence and knowledge on this.

Ok so I played league when I was in middle school and stopped. For a while I never even thought of it but then I started playing again and I am just so bad. I've been trying to improve but then no matter how many video I watch and how many games I play I never seem to improve. I made a new acc cause i wanted a fresh start. So if someone can teach me one on one or in game that would be great if not can you please leave tips and how long it took for you to be adequate at league?

ok, so i do a lot of dumb shit. one of them is popping bubble wrap next to my ear. now it's not that regular tiny ones, its those big ones that's has the diameter of a orange pill bottle. anyways, I popped one next to my sister's ears then one next to mine. immediately I couldn't hear then as it returned it started ringing and the volume decreased over time. so I was eorried about my hearing so I checked it using earbuds but that didn't help since it didn't sound any different. next i proceeded to reach into my ears with a cotton swab, didnt help. then i noticed that my ear that I popped the bubble into feel like it has a different pressurllas I'm writing this it's slightly ringing and it feels like someone is cleaning my ears really roughly (basically my ears hurts a little bit). should I be worried?

Yes you should. This isn't a normal, and after some time, you could find yourself deaf in one ear. PLEASE, and I mean please, go check with a specialist ASAP. I also wouldn't go and put on earbuds anymore before you go see a professional. Don't go putting things into your ear (unless there's like, dust that collects there), especially your finger. I'm not a pro at this, but I really hope you don't lose your hearing in that ear. Wish you the best!

You should be concerned and go see a doctor. It could be "Tinnitus", a noise such as of buzzing or ringing in the ear due to loud sounds, too much ear wax, head injuries, etc. It may not be Tinnitus but you should still get it checked out and try to not expose yourself to loud sounds or popping bubble wrap near your ear again.

ok, so i made raw cookie dough. I heard that raw flour has e coli and I searched it up and said that if you microwave flour for 1 minute it should kill the bacteria. I did that and my microwave is 1225 watts. should I eat the cookie dough?

Yes, with one google search, you could find out that microwaving flour on high heat until it reaches 160° F (or 71° C because even though 99% of the world uses celcius, fahrenheit was invented first and even though you can get a more accurate measurement when using fahrenheit not to mention that it makes more sense than celcius people still decide to shit on it because nobody except that small unimportant country (and a few Caribbean countries), what was it's name? Oh yeah I forgot, it was called the United Fucking States of America uses it and I'm getting off topic) or microwaving it for 1 minute and 15 seconds and stirring the flour between 15 sec intervals will massacre the bacteria like how the germans massacred the jews in camps. The information may be late but yes, it's pretty safe to eat your raw cookie dough like a young peasant boy in the medieval ages after finally finding some fresh almost warm bread that an arrogant noble threw on the ground. Watch out for the eggs though because are eggs.

I think that you have some miss information. As long as the ingredients are fresh, utensils and surfaces are clean and you eat it right away (ie don't refrigerate) either dump or cook what you don't eat right away. You will be fine.
Microwaving can kill bacteria but you would have to know exactly how it works and calculate for your own machine. (Personally I would not trust this method).
Where ecoli is likely to come from:
Ecoli prefer damp environments. So your problem will be with your wet ingredients. Or if you have not cleaned your surfaces/utensils you are using correctly.
Flour is a dry ingredient and it should not be possible for it to have ecoli unless you have bad storage practices, ie. Not stored in a cool dry environment. So unless stored in a damp environment the flour is fine. You can tell by the smell if it is spoiled.
Milk nowadays is pasteurized, so even if you use gone off milk your stomach acid can take care of it. (unless you some how managed to get your hands on some unpasteurized, most places have a law against selling it). Or unless you have cross contamination from dirty utensils or surfaces.
Eggs would be the most likely culprit for ecoli contamination from the ingredients as they are not typically pasteurized. (It is very difficult to find pasteurized eggs unless you look for them).
As long as the eggs are fresh, still in date and they have been stored correctly they will be safe to eat raw (normally not recommended but still safe). In the US eggs need to be stored in fridge because a protective layer has been removed from the egg before hitting the shelves. In Europe eggs don't have to be stored in the fridge but will last longer in the fridge.
But as ecoli is a serious problem if for some reason that the batch of eggs were contaminated there would have been a product recall issued and it probably would have hit the news.
Note if pregnant you are not supposed to eat anything that should be cooked raw (includes cookie dough and eggs).
Hi! So i need help looking for a manga. If I remember correctly it's shounen ai or yaoi (basically BLB) and it's about these two guys who's family line got cursed a long time ago and every 1000 year a flower would appear on both of their bodies and they would go through unfortunate events together. As each event unfolds a petal from the flower would fade. And that's all I remember. :P