I was low-key sad that they didn’t come out to their parents and their friends. Even though I understand that it could be very hard because of fear of rejection, I would enjoy seeing how they would overcome that obstacle, if the opinions on their relationship wasn’t that positive. But who knows? Maybe they came out off-screen.
Either way, this story is one of the few stories I would never get tired of, even if I read it a hundred times. The narrations, and perspectives in the story made me feel nostalgic.
It made me realize that not all couples had to be special, with superpowers or cliche ceo romance. But that there are real people in this world, which are perfectly average people, that has gone through their own difficulties and problems. These people could be anyone in the world, including the people closest to you.
One word to another, I realized that I will never truly understand how everyone around me feels. The only one who can fully understand you is... you. And the only one who can truly understand me, is me. But we all have our own ways to show how we feel, so that those around us can understand how we feel, even if it’s just a little bit. Be it writing, singing, dancing, drawing, expressions, shouting, etc.
We all have our own stories to tell. If they tell it or not, the story is just our past. Most of us will all move on, some of us not, but there is always something new coming ahead of us. We will never know what will happen in the future. Will I get married? Will I succeed? Will I be able to follow my dream? None of that is important, because we have to think about, not what has or will happen, but what IS happening. Even if you think about the past it your future, everything that will decide that, is the present.
God, this story really made me think about some deep shit. Anyways, thanks for reading this awfully long and unnecessary comment. I will continue to share my thoughts and opinion on Mangago, if you ever find one of my comments, feel free to share your thoughts too. And some questions, what is your thought to this story? Did this make you feel anything? Please tell me what you thought while reading this comic. Bye! ヾ(☆▽☆)
I lost it when Sys began placing the toys on the shelf- ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ