y’all i’m still confused… did siyeol ever have feelings for jooha? because it seemed like from the explanation he gave aejoon; he only felt guilt for indirectly injuring jooha and felt bad for not being able to repay him/comfort him as much as kyusung could despite it being his fault (which is why he thought “is this my chance?” basically thinking if this was his chance to pay back for protecting him. atleast that’s how i interpreted it after the explanation) but the side stories make it seem like siyeol was genuinely in love with jooha and is contradicting the whole explanation he gave

I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE GUYS OMG i hate her so goddamn much and it annoys me that the writers keep dragging her apology… ik it’s supposed to be a big moment in the story and that’s why they’re waiting but it just makes most readers build resentment towards her bc SHE LITERALLY BEAT HIM UP AND TRIED TO SELL HIM HELLO??? “she’s changed!!!” bruh her attitude does NOT match that statement. she’s so immature and irresponsible compared to shirone. I kinda wish he just didn’t have a romantic interest at all because imo none of the current ones are on par with his character w all the development he’s been through
i’d be fine with eruki’s sister but tbh shirone seems to have more chemistry with eruki himself than any of the FLs so far…
i heard there’s still no romance up till now, but can novel readers spoil me on if there is gonna be any at all?