solar created a topic of Memories Of Your Breath
solar created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I think iv been conditioned to enjoy this because I'm no longer desperate for the flashback to end

I remember ppl bashing me when I said I liked purple guy I should have listened to yall HES A FUCKING BITCH, THEY BOTH ARE UGHUIHTFCKLHCCZ

solar created a topic of Don't Press the Button


Oh sorry I shat on your face

solar created a topic of 19 Days
solar created a topic of Dreaming of the Dokkaebi

jesus their emotions felt so raw and intimate

solar created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness

definition of "Is somebody gonna match my freak"
atleast they respect eachothers boundaries

solar created a topic of ASHTRAY

actual dogshit please give me back my time

solar created a topic of My Rei of Light

half of the chapter is recaps
and a quarter is the authors end notes

solar created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk
solar created a topic of Drick's Heat
solar created a topic of Rainbow City

honestly I don't even mind re reading this lol

solar created a topic of Slammer Dogs

this chapter has given me the ick for both the tops yuck
save our little guy

solar created a topic of Regas

the thing is I can't even hate the mom, she is the way she is due to the king who literally abused her ughhhhh

they are so mesmerising to look at lmao

solar created a topic of Dear Teddy Bear
solar created a topic of Jueun
solar created a topic of Love in Orbit

Introduction to the dad ruined the plot
fuck him