Okay seriously DO NOT spread this website around any social media like inst@gr@m or t1kt0k. :'(
We NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this webiste to stay alive!! You wanna read manga don't you? If ya wanna recommend stuff then do it privately.
We got aloft good stuff here that other websites are too shitty to have, so PLEASE GOD DAMMIT, FOR THE LOVE OF MANGAGO, DO NOT SPREAD THIS WEBSITE AROOOOOOOUND!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
yes, t1kt0k is probably going to be so hard to stop the spread because the videos are everywhere. and some of them are going to refuse to take a video down because they got clout from it ... sigh. i honestly dont know what will happen if we lose mangago, ik there are other sites, but ive basically built my whole collection on this site.
They are back, I'm crying in happiness atm