I started reading into thinking he was just misunderstood crown prince, like all talk about him being heartless is just facade he created to protect himself, you know. But the title suits him, he is true "Lunacy". I understand the coldness in the beginning. but like bro even if you jealous how can like brutally hurt him like that. and, our poor baby was crying so much with pain. How can those tears not melt him.
And, yes he is def gonna destroy Vera. So, Luce will have nowhere to return.
But anyway, here for possessive psycho lover trope. Let's go

I was gonna talk about it. how blonde hair and green eyes how new Abel is exactly the type of Duke(blonde guy) it was mention in the beginning of the story. So, now ML has to protect Abel from the sleazy guy too. so, I m thinking there is gonna be some like epic moment of Abel being clueless about his beauty and Duke fawning over him.

This is my conclusion from reading it till date.
So, we all saw the glimpse of He Tian making some kinda deal with his brother. Maybe that deal included him going somewhere far and Little Mo was devasted. although He Tian promised to be always together and all but he left. but he comes back after years and this is those parts I think. We just skip the whole bunch of timeline.

That’s exactly right, it has been a time skip for the last couple chapters, you can actually get a better understanding and keep track of the present time and the future time more efficiently if you follow the author on Twitter, such a big 19days community on there with a bunch of theories and stuff haha

I know everybody is busy hating on jakyeng right now, But I am waiting for another fight scene, I mean him being in that zone, the training, the body, the preparation, the fight. I actual miss seeing in his habitat you know. MMA fight scene. I am actually looking forward to him recovering and fighting and winning. Although, we hate him we gotta agree the character is really well drawn, so beautiful, so hot, so damn muscular and, yeah I am all for his suffering, the redemption arc should be especially longer for this one. We need to see him grovel. And after that sweet ending for our baby Dan.

This reminds me of the time why I started reading Japanese mangas/bl. The story is so gold. And since the author left it for our own interpretation , I would like to think they are romantic partners. They are each other such a big fan and love each other so much, they don't need to exchange love vows. haha
And, Japanese mangas are def og.

I quit this long ago. When Mc was having amnesia. So, I just wanna know how is the ending. So, that I can decide to read it again or not.

as someone who finished this awhile ago, ehh I lowkey forgot what the ending was lol... all I remember was that I left a comment when the finale chapter was here; saying, "Good for everyone, but I didn't really completely understand everything and due to that, it wasn't really satisfying, probably need to reread the whole thing in one go aha" or something xd
oh my god.. the carriage scene. I laughed so hard. Haven't read sth like this , comedy gold, plot gold, reincarnation gold