I really need to take break from this and come back once everything becomes goood but I just can't resists when I see any new update about this series. Also, before JK said his stupid remarks, the way he licked Dan's lip was pretty hwatt. I wanna hate him, but I know he is the end game . so, I want him to repent fast, the light in Kim Dan eyes is diminishing day by day. He need good love fast.

I am literally a sucker for physical affection. My top love language is physical touch and the way Ash Jones just is always caressing hugging Lyle. The way he shows his affection through loveable touches. And that sweet smooches. This literally healed me. This manga is too sweet and communication and understanding.

Once in a while, I stumble into gems like this. And the emotions I feel while reading this. The story telling is so good and something about the art is soothing , so calm and no rush. Even with so many timeline , nothing felt rushed. And my poor babies deserved all the happiness yesss. And I m sucker for reunion arc. And this was just so beautiful. The way they were in love and yet didn't convey their feelings vocally but with actions its staggeringly clear. There is something so beautiful about it. And yes I cried a bunch.

He definitely is an idiot. Are people really this crazy in love? I can justify his actions before but now once that bastard had treat him like shit and gave him that reality check. Shouldn't he deny him now? and, the mf hasn't even confessed or said sorry or regretted his actions. He just came and demanded to be loved again. BS. I really want to know, is this fr , how is author gonna justify this shit? This frustrates me. I m gonna continue reaing this just to see where is the plot going?.
Help! My mind is blanked. I don't remember anything. Need to reread