skullcandies October 9, 2024 3:30 pm

OLD MAN YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skullcandies September 1, 2024 3:08 pm

may be the only intellectual here who appreciated season 3 and That Is Okay because im built different. in fact it pleases me greatly that i think differently from the majority or whatever of the mangago readers because it continues to reinforce that i have critical thinking skills reading comprehension and media literacy <3 i loved how the webtoon ties everything together and the ending. its a very idealistic ending, but a good ending in my eyes nonetheless.

ik the sex-obssessed yaoi fetishizers bitched and moaned because the main couple got a kid and s3 shifted attention away from them but like no shit lmfao having been a part of their journey and looking at their trajectory throughout s1 & s2 like yeah from a story/technical perspective, their arc has ended. their story has been completed, as characters in a story their motives/needs have been fulfilled, they've resolved the main problems/crises in their path as individual characters and the obstacles in the way of their relationship, and they've achieved the goals/aspirations that drove them as characters in the first place.

refocusing the attention back on them for s3 just to drag them back into a half-baked plot to stir up drama/tension in their relationship when, just looking at both their character arcs and them as characters (irt their motives, their issues, their aspirations, etc.) will tell you they've already fulfilled their purpose in the story, wld just result in very awful character assassinations. so uk, im glad s3 chose to put the spotlight on the characters and relationships around the main couple, both new and old, as a way to extend the legacy of the main couple's actions and showcase the impact of what they have achieved. it's makes for great extensive world-building as well and makes the kingdom of goldenleonard, and the world the author has crafted, very lived-in and natural as, though the main couple was the catalyst to the plot of the story, it shows how the world can still continue past the main couple.

like im glad they didnt just rehash storylines and drama ripped off of other stories about fantasy and set in a similar setting for the main couple in s3 because that wld be the equivalent of a beloved series or other piece of media getting, like, an unnecessary sequel/reboot or being turned into a franchise. im glad the author knows when to do the equivalent of stopping and not dragging shit out and turning a great 1-2 season series or standalone film into like a 12-season disaster series that dragged on or making a shit sequel that eventually ruins the reputation of the whole film/franchise wrt the main couple.

also another Unpopular opinion but the scenes/storyline with epsilon in s3 were one of my most favorite ones because i Love seeing the discussion surrounding politics and governments and royalty. like im not gonna go into a spiel abt Why Monarchies are Bad and Why Democracies are (idealistically) Good/Better but its very refreshing to see a webtoon/series set in a fantasy royal/medieval-setting tackle the problems with why these systems of power are Bad fundamentally and structurally and working to reform that system and move past it when usually, esp in the romantasy webtoons with like the isekai villainess bullshit n stuff, if there was ever a Bad royal figure or bad emperor/king/wtv, the fix wld be as shallow as merely replacing them with the quintessential benevolent ruler who can make all the superficial right decisions instead of working to reform that system so that not one person wld have all the power in the land. the move to abolish monarchy n implement a democratic system feels very thematically in-line with the king's maker webtoon and overall also ties in with the main characters', particularly shin's, character aspirations. so yeah overall, loved all the political discussions surrounding what makes a perfect king and whether that wld be achievable and the alternatives for less than ideal kings whenever epsilon is on screen - very engaging n informative. just hope tht the democratic system of voting wld work the way epsilon n wooyeon thought it wld at its most idealistic form throughout its implementation haha... (we live in a society moment)

overall... i just have a lot to say abt this webtoon. like its crazy but i did grow up with it essentially so maybe thats why im rambling djdnekkd im just very attached to this webtoon n im glad that it got a Good and Fitting ending jn my eyes instead of like. crashing n burning djdndjek

    ScratchTrash September 19, 2024 9:04 pm

    I totally agree on a lot of what you just said! I absolutely loved the Epsilon storyline/scenes as well. But that is honestly where my gripe comes in because I wish it had mostly/solely revolved around Epsilon instead of it being bundled together with a bunch of side stories? I kind of didn't care a lot about any of the other side things going on for that reason because I rather kept wanting to rather read a more consistent storyline with Epsilon. I do like the worldbuilding aspect of all the other side things but I just wish they were rather just put as their own side stories after the main story has completed if that makes sense?

    skullcandies September 28, 2024 8:43 pm
    I totally agree on a lot of what you just said! I absolutely loved the Epsilon storyline/scenes as well. But that is honestly where my gripe comes in because I wish it had mostly/solely revolved around Epsilon ... ScratchTrash

    oohhh pleasantly surprised to see another Epsilon enjoyer :] i get where ur coming from n i understand because i also rly enjoyed not just the plotline of epsilon's story n her character arc but also just her as a character in general n how she was written! to me she was a very compelling and distinct voice in the narrative n it was also fun seeing the various ways she mirrors/parallels wolfgang not just in terms of personality but also the overall trajectory of her path, and i can see how much more of an enjoyable read it wld be had s3 been more contained and fully explored epsilon as the next main character with a focused plotline.

    however, for me personally where i feel we might branch off is that i enjoyed seeing much of the worldbuilding n the more branched off mini stories because to me it felt like i was able to finally see the fruits of shin & wolfgang's longstanding labour from the past 2 seasons come to fruition as they were able to become the rulers theyve always aspired to be n help shape their land into something they've always envisioned - im also someone who personally doesnt mind if the narrative is more plot-driven/less character-driven n i found myself enjoying the whole magic tower master-dragon reveal story, n it surprised me how much i enjoyed it considering i rly was not very fond of the magic tower master because he dangled an entire toddler over a balcony with a fatal drop lmfao.

    so yeah there were a lot of things across all the stories in s3 that tide me over that i could still enjoy it overall. still, i see your vision n that definitely wld be a direction for s3 that i wldnt have mind seeing n now that u brought it up, it does make me think that it's a slight shame that we cldnt see epsilon grow into a more fully realized character with an actual arc :")

skullcandies August 16, 2024 4:39 pm

chp 15 sex scene was salaciously erotic and ichii is insanely sexy but ngl seeing the colorized pages of the two mommy vampires wearing lipstick/makeup immediately erased any thoughts of men in my brain. thoughts and prayers that we get a spin-off about the two lesbian vampires made specifically for me pleek

skullcandies March 29, 2024 4:51 pm

love how much of an absolute freak and douchebag seogyeol is he cracks me tf up like u go lil gremlin man!!! n then seeing how much he contrasts with haejun? actually love how much of a normie haejun is too like it makes it all the more funnier. their dynamic is literally the embodiment of "me (seogyeol) and the bad bitch i pulled (haejun) by being weird" LMFAOOO. also love how they both got their own thing going on n how they feel like their own fully realized characters with their own goals n motivations n shit like WOW decent character writing we cheered!!

talk of gay boys aside i love that we have an actual plot going on here like waurrrr finally a korean bl webtoon that doesnt have shit writing nor pacing off the bat i hope i dont have to eat my words as this webtoon progresses. also juran is the love of my light apple of my eyes... shes so cute... if this webtoon goes to shit she'll be my only saving grace #wefreakingloveyoujuran

skullcandies March 24, 2024 8:47 pm

damn 50 chapters of this dude being a complete total homophobic piece of shit who disrespects and insults garam, is selfish all around, acts manipulative and is basically so pushy and borderline coercive with wanting to fuck him but the minute there's like... 6 extra chapters of him doing that intersparsed with him feeling fucking sorry for himself and moping around ya'll clap your pathetic little hands together and cheer for this nothing ass "redemption arc" CTFUUU like mind you yjh is still doing what he wants, still acting selfishly, blames garam for not wanting to spend time together despite being a total fucking douchebag to him the entire time, and completely disregards his wish for yjh to leave him alone (yea sure we get insight into his pov n see that he still has lingering feelings or wtv the fuck for yjh but YJH doesnt KNOW that... from his pov garam is pissed asf at him n doesnt wanna have anything to do with him n rightfully so) but now that we can see glimpses into his thoughts n see that he feels kinda bad abt being an asshole for 6 chapters yall start magically absolving his bullshiterry for the past 50 chapters. like literally the chapter prior to him offering to drive garam up to his mom, yjh was still acting n thinking delusionally, refusing to fucking grow up n mature fot his own fucking sake but instead being all fucking calculating, internally outright admitting to dismissing garam's words, and still fucking insulting him like LORD! if yall folded this quickly for this pathetic sad excuse of a fucking man then i pray to all the gods across all religions that these men flow straight into all of yalls waiting hands so normal people dont have to fucking deal with these men's bullshit like PLEASEEE shovel these shit ass men towards these wack ass mangago readers because evidently the market is there and it is here with these freaks lord spare us these losers and let normal ppl get together with normal men and let the ones who want men like these be the one to deal with the baggage manipulation n disrespectful treatment

    Betrayedtwink March 24, 2024 8:56 pm

    Have some forgiveness in you diva.

    Betrayedtwink March 24, 2024 8:59 pm

    Id be mad if the author nor Garam didn’t recognise the absurdity of his behaviour(like in most of mangas that come out these days)But they do sooo.

    justLol_56 March 24, 2024 9:51 pm

    Take a deep breath the whole point of most BL was to make it shaky at first then fluff at the end. It is how you attract audiences most of the time. You act like he wasn't mad at him in the beginning until now

    LIKASTIKA March 24, 2024 9:56 pm


    koigs March 25, 2024 12:02 am

    I liked it unintentionally

    Elli11220 March 25, 2024 3:36 am

    the way you actually wrote so much
    crazy how if you didnt like it, you could just leave and not read this anymore, but the fact that you ACTUALLY spent so much effort to wrote that ML hate speech LMAOO

    Fluffy P March 25, 2024 4:08 am

    You so right for this. The people who disliked your comment proved your point entirely.

    m.aya March 25, 2024 4:36 am
    You so right for this. The people who disliked your comment proved your point entirely. Fluffy P

    The reason I disliked it wasn't because they weren't correct, or that they wished horrible men upon others...I disliked it because the story isn't even close to finished and they're acting like people getting excited about a "redemption arc" or the signs of self-reflection (which will always be selfish btw) <- something we can all agree rarely happens in BLs these days -> is stupid, deplorable, pathetic behaviour?!?

    Arent we supposed to allow people to grow and change? Aren't we supposed to be happy when people try do right by the people they've hurt? Or are we supposed to be jaded like the OP until it makes us miserable? Just asking for a friend...

    Verius March 25, 2024 4:57 am

    I mean, it is a redemption arc???? Idk what you wanna see atp because yeah he did act like an asshole at the start, even I hated his guts during early chapters, but he truly did change. He went from being the most homophobic douchebag ever, and is trying to become and make the best version of himself for a guy. Sure, he didn’t listen to Garam’s words and didn’t respect Garam’s boundaries, but have you SEEN desperate people who’re in love/in denial about being in love? They still stick to you after all that’s happened because they can’t stand the thought of letting you go, there are times where those people aren’t willing to change and are still not respecting the boundaries of the person they like but yjh is willing to do so. He’s willing to change himself, to do the things Garam wants to do, to be there at Garam’s side because he wants to be with Garam. Looking back at the person he was before and the person he’s starting to become now, it’s very obvious that he wants to be with Garam as a romantic partner because he doesn’t want their relationship to be only about sex anymore. He wants to build their relationship, and he wants to spend his life with the person he loves (Garam). And if that still doesn’t convince you, take Jinx as an example for redemption arcs. Jinx is also 50+ chapters in and there has been no change with his aggressive behavior towards Dan. Thank you for reading this long paragraph I typed out ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Mistress_RA March 25, 2024 5:36 am

    Your mad????
    What I find laughable AND pathetic is how your degrading people based on a manwha. Like are you fuckn serious?!? You and anyone agreeing with you in terms of insulting other readers and commentors are the pea-brains here. I don't know what life experiences you've had to trigger you so badly that you have to stoop to such a low because you disagree with others right of their own perspectives. You can love YJH or hate him but don't push your ignorance off on others. They deserve what little happiness they can get by being entertained by some redemption arc. Just because it's not what you want it to be doesn't matter. You should have enough common sense not to make your dissatisfaction into everyone's unhappiness. Learn the difference between reality and make believe. (︶︿︶)=凸

    Dio March 25, 2024 6:25 am

    i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.

    skullcandies March 29, 2024 4:59 pm

    whoa so many of u pressed at this! :O u know idrgaf cuz to me all of u r just people living in my phone who ceases to exist the minute i exit this website but if u RLY wanna hurt my feelings then id be so so so SAD if yall came together as a group to hate on BTS the well known kpop group </3 like so so sad guys like it'll hurt my feelings real bad #borahae

    alternatively, if u want to hurt my feelings real bad to the point i stop commenting entirely n kill myself forever feel free to pay me 5000 usd <3 this will make me so sad so feel free to hmu n cut a deal with me in order to get me to stop yapping <3

    in the meantime tho all of u r incel freaks who amount to nothing and dickride the middest man to ever exist when u can simply experience everything garam has gone through by talking to any random man in ur nearest walmart <3 #fuckyjh

    Verius March 29, 2024 11:33 pm
    whoa so many of u pressed at this! :O u know idrgaf cuz to me all of u r just people living in my phone who ceases to exist the minute i exit this website but if u RLY wanna hurt my feelings then id be so so so... skullcandies

    People have different opinions?? Everyone here has their own opinions, including you. Since you dgaf then it’s whatever! Like you said, we’re all just random people at the end of the day and it’s your choice to like it or not. I made a reply to just fact check but there was no ill intent behind my reply, I’m just a random ass person who also wants to comment what I wanna comment lol. Also, no one wants to you kys or anything. If people came at me like this, I would also be upset. Nevertheless, nobody should attack people by making unnecessary mean comments, we should all respect each other’s opinions at the end of the day. I respect what you think about yjh, I hope you’ll also understand how I feel about yjh by reading the paragraph I typed out up there. Have a great day, toodles! (≧∀≦)

    Verius March 29, 2024 11:37 pm
    whoa so many of u pressed at this! :O u know idrgaf cuz to me all of u r just people living in my phone who ceases to exist the minute i exit this website but if u RLY wanna hurt my feelings then id be so so so... skullcandies

    Also, I check your topics about other stories and your takes are great! Sure, I might disagree with some of them, but you clearly have your own opinions and did your own research. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Mistress_RA March 30, 2024 3:42 am
    whoa so many of u pressed at this! :O u know idrgaf cuz to me all of u r just people living in my phone who ceases to exist the minute i exit this website but if u RLY wanna hurt my feelings then id be so so so... skullcandies

    ROFLMAO! So seem REAL mad. I stand by what I initially said and just like the other person said before me, you can hate the fictional characters and talk shit about them all you want but it ain't cool disrespecting others wishing bad on them because they have their own opinions about a what? FICTIONAL CHARACTER. Point blank! Idgaf if you don't agree. I said it and I stand by that.
    If you post disrespectful comments about reader's whom are entitled to their own opinions, then expect to be replied to. If you don't like it then check yourself or expect these types of responses to your post.
    I was bored so I responded to your reply roflmao. It is what it is ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    I'm done speaking my piece. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

skullcandies March 11, 2024 5:49 am

ngl not sure if its because i have the upper hand since ive delved into danmei novels and so i can understand the setting of the story but still... some of yall are dumb as fuck. like no wonder you just gravitate to the same old colleen-hoover-but-if-the-main-characters-were-men rehashed yaoi story lines romanticizing rape and abuse again and again ctfuuuu yall are so cooked - media literacy and reading comprehension in complete shambles. open up the schools back up.

    Ayantvi March 11, 2024 10:33 am

    Finally someone said it lol I thought if I said it alone ppl would attack me

    chaenggu March 11, 2024 10:43 am

    You cooked

    Chupilca March 11, 2024 11:19 am

    Maybe this is the first time for some into danmei novels or not their first language, so being a bit confused can be natural. Thankfully there's many kind people here in the comments explaining so now everyone that's interested can learn.

    Books are like food. You know you need something healthy, nutricious and wholesome to feed in the best way possible your body, just like a good book that's insightful, profound and leaving a long lasting impression for your life but sometimes even if its not the best for you, you crave the fast food; simple, delicious and indulgent.

    I love cliches, dumb premises and some problematic content. Is not everything I read in my everyday life, I quite love biographies and Latin American magical realism, but sometimes something silly is what I need after a hard day in the real world.

    Itzz_A_Trap March 11, 2024 12:05 pm

    When did anyone mention rape plotlines???
    The reason most people don't get it (like me) is because of either translation or if it's their first time reading a ancient trope like this. It could also be because this trope is never fucking explained properly. I have read at least 3-5 other stories with this type of setting and I STILL didn't get wtf Cultivation, or Murim, or the levels meant until I saw a reddit post explaining it all.
    Don't be an asshole just cus other people don't comprehend shit like you do

    Ranch House Owner March 11, 2024 12:44 pm

    ate this shit is easy to understand idk why everyone’s so stumped by it they’d probably have a brain aneurism trying to read the novels themselves

    Ranch House Owner March 11, 2024 12:45 pm
    When did anyone mention rape plotlines???The reason most people don't get it (like me) is because of either translation or if it's their first time reading a ancient trope like this. It could also be because th... Itzz_A_Trap

    yeah we can tell u have poor comprehension skills

    choco flavoured d*ck March 11, 2024 1:32 pm

    Lmao you're real for saying that

    Itzz_A_Trap March 11, 2024 2:07 pm
    yeah we can tell u have poor comprehension skills Ranch House Owner

    Welp thanks for adding nothing to the convo
    I bet you wouldn't understand shit that's happening in "Cat & Sword" or "Master's Flirting With Me Again!" because they both explain their plotlines so terribly

    Ranch House Owner March 11, 2024 9:58 pm
    Welp thanks for adding nothing to the convoI bet you wouldn't understand shit that's happening in "Cat & Sword" or "Master's Flirting With Me Again!" because they both explain their plotlines so terribly Itzz_A_Trap

    no i bet i wouldn’t. unfortunately this novel is pretty well written so they are incomparable. thanks for trying!

    Itzz_A_Trap March 12, 2024 4:38 am

    This MANWHA may be well written, but the fan translation is not, so it doesn't matter how well written it is if people can barely understand it. Also Im pretty sure the majority are still confused. (I'll calculate it if u want me to lol)
    I like how instead of trying to help other people by explaining this story in the comments like other sane people here, ya'll both resort to insulting people's intelligence, like that'll help or add anything useful to the convo.
    People on this website are hilarious

    Ayantvi March 12, 2024 5:35 am
    This MANWHA may be well written, but the fan translation is not, so it doesn't matter how well written it is if people can barely understand it. Also Im pretty sure the majority are still confused. (I'll calcul... Itzz_A_Trap

    I think some wonderful people have helped enough in the comments so there's no need to explain the same things again. Also comments are here to express an opinion although I do agree calling readers dumb would be pretty far fetched but it's really not that difficult to understand the general gist of what's going on. It's not like fan translations are the only options here with officials up to date. It's more like some people don't even put any effort in understanding whatever they're reading and just want to complain about a specific arc. Also, no one's obliged to add anything useful to the conversation. Anyone can express their opinion here, just like how those confused readers did

    Itzz_A_Trap March 12, 2024 7:33 am
    I think some wonderful people have helped enough in the comments so there's no need to explain the same things again. Also comments are here to express an opinion although I do agree calling readers dumb would ... Ayantvi

    True, which is why there's no point to try to start shit in the comments.
    Yeah people can leave their opinions but if that opinion involves insulting others that don't deserve it, I just think there's no reason for them to share it. It's kinda like commenting on a news post for a basketball player who just died and commenting "LEBRON'S BETTER" yeah, they have a right to say that, but it's just really disrespectful and a big target for arguments

    chaenggu March 12, 2024 1:48 pm
    True, which is why there's no point to try to start shit in the comments.Yeah people can leave their opinions but if that opinion involves insulting others that don't deserve it, I just think there's no reason ... Itzz_A_Trap

    Comments like this intentionally hurt people by pointing out that will be painful to the target audience and you fell for it.

    Ayantvi March 12, 2024 5:17 pm
    True, which is why there's no point to try to start shit in the comments.Yeah people can leave their opinions but if that opinion involves insulting others that don't deserve it, I just think there's no reason ... Itzz_A_Trap

    I think your example doesn't work here. I mean commenting that on someone's death would be insensitive and morally wrong and we're not discussing that here. I don't think anyone's starting shit here but merely expressing that this is somewhat easy to understand and some people are starting to make a mountain out of a mole hill

    Itzz_A_Trap March 12, 2024 7:12 pm
    I think your example doesn't work here. I mean commenting that on someone's death would be insensitive and morally wrong and we're not discussing that here. I don't think anyone's starting shit here but merely ... Ayantvi

    Fair enough

    Itzz_A_Trap March 12, 2024 7:12 pm
    Comments like this intentionally hurt people by pointing out that will be painful to the target audience and you fell for it. chaenggu

    Yeah, they got me hook line and sinker
    I'm really susceptible to comments like these

skullcandies February 5, 2024 4:49 am

this is so fucking cute im gonna disembowel myself and die.

skullcandies January 18, 2024 4:54 am


not to nerd out in the fucking mangago comment section of all places but that whole bit irks me so bad and clearly the author is kind of an ignorant dipshit about it but i digress.

there have actually been multiple, MULTIPLE records (i.e., scientific articles and books and whatnot) of homosexual/bisexual behaviour amongst animals recorded since the mid-90's, with an article published as recent as october 2023 in the scientific journal Nature regarding the evolution of same sex behaviour found within animals. a scientific paper published in 2019 states that over 1500 species of animals have been observed to have performed same-sex behaviours and that this has been a long-time topic of research and debate amongst evolutionary biologists as this is outright paradoxical to darwinism principles. another book published earlier in 1999 by a canadian biologist recorded same-sex behaviours comprising of sexual, pair-bonding, parental activities, and courtship were recorded in over 450 species of animals worldwide. interestingly enough, this comes with the caveat that although participation in same-sex behaviours is common in the animal world, an exclusively homosexual orientation is a rarity amongst animal species - one example of an animal species that may have been recorded to have exclusively gay orientation aside from humans are sheep, specifically rams!

tldr; if you dont wanna read the word vomit up there about gay animals then just look up the homosexual behaviour in animals page on wikipedia - that shit is detailed AND complete with multiple sources including the aforementioned journal articles and such. all in all theres nothing natural about heterosexuality or unnatural about homosexuality; what is unnatural is homophobia, since it's only found in ONE species - humans.

tldr-tldr; that bit abt it being natural for animals to seek out mates of the opposite sex pissed me awf bad i couldnt even concentrate on the rest of the read n just kept thinking abt it lmfaooo but their problems couldve been solved if they had just a talk abt it i think. idk i didnt give too much of a fuck, this was a mid 2.5/5 read.

    •YellowRoses• January 18, 2024 4:59 am

    Thankyou!!!! This bothered me too for this exact reason. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Bird-chan January 18, 2024 6:13 am

    Maybe it was to apply the drama of them not possibly be together for that matter.

skullcandies January 10, 2024 5:06 pm

... this shit is peak. it's not just peak josei, it TRANSCENDS josei. Art, dynamic, writing - peak all around. No hetero romance will ever come close. idgaf.

skullcandies November 21, 2023 9:13 am

...but i kinda wanna see him and kobayashi sucking and fucking and making it wet and making it creamy and making it bounce 365 24/7 360 degrees on the floor on the table on the mattress on a bed through the window through the wall making it STINK until people pass out from the stench when they first step into the room.


sidenote, chapter 3 made my sides hurt; id actually read that manga fr.

    Snackysatan November 22, 2023 4:25 am

    Bye this made me laugh out loud you’re so funny for this.

    IamMiffy December 18, 2023 3:24 pm

    Sanest mangago reader

    Tomy January 18, 2024 2:30 pm

    Shakespeare could never

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