I have never felt this perplexed and complicated in a manhwa with a trope like this haha
I thought I was going to only love Sasya in this story (because I always like the bottom haha) but I ended up liking Karel more? I honestly don't blame Sasya that much nor do I think Karel was that good in their relationship. Because Sasya was dealing with his mental disorders and Karel's obsession wasn't really the medicine, it even escalated it. They are just both dumb and made many mistakes in their decision. However, the reason why I ended empathizing with Karel was because I thought he was just too pitiful. Never thought love could destroy you this much. He did everything, sacrificing his youth, his family and even took the blame of Sasha's crime. But his love for Sasya wasn't reciprocated the same way and It honestly hurts. Because Sasya was losing himself he couldn't see Karel's love and was only able to after finding himself. Which I thought was unfair but Sasya had his own life, and he said Karle couldn't demand that love and devotion from him and I agree. Which is why I thought it would be better for the two to not end up with each other. For Karel to prioritize himself more, do not cage Sasya with his obsession and for Sasya to just have what he wants. Both are very selfish honestly.