what a dumb plot. prolonging the lie to get ml and fl to stay together. when fl can be honest. the fl dumb way of stressing her self by overthinking of ml being bad due to the novel when she can say it honestly why she did it. it was self defense on her part coz ml try to assault her when the cursed attack and ml might understand her why she did it but then they choose the dumb way of taking a slow route of telling honestly and mostly make the ml misunderstand and fastly fall to the mc after some time of being together. his personality becomes different after falling to the mc really fast.. the romance sucks so I'm outta here.

Azi created a topic of The Grand Duke is Mine

I get that mc and proxy ml was getting close coz they spend long time with each other but that balcony scene (@29) where proxy ml pop out of nowhere when fl wanting for the proxy ml to meet her at night while wearing a bathroom gown and bath towel at head which is probably fresh from taking a shower coz there's a weird water drop on her hair. gahd.
she did not even cover herself knowing she's just finished taking a bath awhile ago and not wear a sleepwear clothes yet after seeing him is such a weird and turn off scene. it's lowkey cheating vibes for me. that's not a normal scene. proxy guy is known to her as husband person. she didn't know that proxy ml is her husband.

she's not being conservative there far from the time setting of the story and the usual reaction of girls when a guy seen them on thin or nightwear clothes where boobs line can be seen like getting flushed and find some clothes to wear a decent clothes before talking again and yet she didn't flinch or get flush and she just okay to be seen like that still talk like her clothes at the moment is a decent one. yes it decent when your alone but at night and with a guy. that's a no unless it's your husband but on her pov. proxy ml is not her husband but husband personel staff.

we know as a reader that proxy ml is her husband. for fl, he's the proxy of her husband in the wedding. she still interacting with him because of him being the husband personal staff sent by her husband but their interaction are sometimes not normal. she's married but you'll see her wanting and having a visitor at night with this proxy guy and can be seen of 29.. the ambiance and clothes wear of her is not normal. which is look more than a friendship lmao. it's like having a third party but because we know that proxy ml is her husband, we just don't care and find their interaction okay. lol

if thinking this in other pov and he's not the undercover ml persona like being another person guy. this giving me off a cheating scenario. their friendship and meeting at night is already so sus especially the fl is a married person. it's not in line of conservatives relationship. so dropped this for now until fl knows that guy is her husband. I feel like I'm reading a cheating story the way the proxy and fl interact with each other while mc still don't know that's her husband she was interacting with.

If ml is not the proxy. she can be close and have a friendship with the proxy but still draw a line. but here nah. they are more like more than a friendship when he's just a proxy in name.

damn that scenarios at 29 give me a bit of stress. lmao oh well.. it just a fiction. so. outta here now

Azi created a topic of My Dear Aster

For me, this is so unsatisfactory

Last chapter without a glimpse of her little brother biological. I wish they put more chapter before they end it like that

i also hoping that ml's mother getting together with her friend. like finding her happiness together that runaway guy from arrange marriage. jeez but they shift the story with baby aster and that's it. jeez.

Azi created a topic of Catching Up With Luke Bischel

He so hilarious and funny to look at, and while reading this, tbh. I don't feel much chemistry on them. I don't feel any kilig factor, the only thing that give me emotions is that ml face. which is funny..fl reaction is so so-so to me. also I don't expect much from ml too coz he's spoiled as fuck that's why he had terrible personality growing up. so he's not likeable in terms of personality but in terms of arts he's good to look at, he really have a handsome face other than that he's literally a wealthy vase.. only good at being a rich and handsome.

Azi created a topic of I am the Master in this Life

blonde guy die. well it's karma I guess.
he kill mc for the sister and now this sister kill him coz of mc.. I don't get why he's the only why who die. her sister deserve it too. she only got jail and her mother. jeez.

and mc after getting power she got a staff after the illusion/dream she see. she looks like magician with a staff lmao. I thought the mc is gonna be strong. coz her blood lineage is from a a power of God and demon where the source of her mother's power that's why she become a witch and yet she need a staff to manifest her powers. after manifesting the power, she also break the red gemstone in front of the girl to make her know that she can't have it powers

the only thing that good happen in this story is that the ml met his parent and they kiss after. that's it. the end dunno if the side story.

102 chapter near the end.

Azi created a topic of Past life family
Azi created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

they can't support what he(adopted) want for their son(legit) but they still accept his feelings toward to their son just like how they want to push him to follow his want. their mother already give concent for their son(legit) without his knowledge, giving the adopted child a chance to develop feelings with him(legit son) coz they know that their son is a headache plus they can't choose to say no to torn them apart coz both of them is their son (legit and adopted) jeez. this is so shit especially how their parents want to acknowledge his other son feelings for their child even though they don't support it and how this fucking relationship to turn the yellow hair guy becoming a mutual relationship with their brother. when he(black hair guy) starts to show his feelings to him.. we'll i guess it's gonna be a good for him coz he won't have to worry that his brother gonna get by others. he's also want to possess him without realizing yet just like how he don't want him to go back to his real mom.

but still, it's such a turn off how they put some incest groomer troupe to prolong the story when there's a co worker out there that's is not finish yet to develop.

oh well it's their own business anyway plus it's a fiction characters not true to life story. so
close your eyes and skip the goddamn scene and go to main character scene and baby's.

Lucky author put the cleanser of the eyes at the end. worth reading the end than them being the closing end. lmao I'll go away with a fluffy scene leaving on my mind.

Azi created a topic of Fanservice Paradox

i really want to read this novel but it sucks that it only have 11 free chapter to read and the rest are protected and locked chapter, where you need to purchase the said novel before they give you an access..sigh.. although I like what they do to give support the author but it still sucks coz my option right now is that I can't by the product itself so i guess I'll wait this manhua to stack up..

you can visit this https://peachpitting.com/novel/fp if you want to read the English translation of the novel.

ps. I'll give you heads up that you need proof of purchase of the novel coz there's a form on that novel which decide if they can give you a password or not and one of the needed is proof of purchase and your social media acc. so you won't get upset when you see that requirements.

tbh. what they do is good especially supporting the author works. so if you have money and not lacking in banks and ID. then do. support the author works.

I see a Junior High School Student(probably 12 to 15 age) who met an Elementary School Child. So, mc was a minor too when they met and also watch the Kid grown up(high school) and treat that child as a brother but grown romantically feelings. after all, that kid was upfront telling his likes of him and he was kiss to boot by the kid on cheeks where he realize that he's not a brother. I don't know what's cute in this when they literally grown together to adult.

Azi created a topic of Millennial Cultivator

The Cover Drawn me in to read this (He's Handsome on the cover) but on Chapter 1. It already scream a Harem and A Perv MC to Boot.

Chapter 1 already have many girls at once. With A Huge And Massive Boobs + Seductive Type of Girls.

Fast paced of telling his hardship and from unlucky to become invisible at once and met a beauty. what a crap

the font and some color sucks. it was hard to read some chat bubbles. don't choose the cursive font. it's not pleasing to the eye on reading manhwa jeez.

btw. the story was interesting and funny to read. it so refreshing to see a reverse role where mc is so manly and feminine at the same time. she so hilarious. she have this love brain but I don't hate it. it's entertaining

Azi created a topic of Gunjou Other Half

i feel like this uke gonna choose being stupid and follow this shit when he's aware that he's a dangerous person and alpha. who's trying to screw him because of mc gender

at the end of the day he need to save his ass by the help of alpha guy(seme)

Azi created a topic of I Never Abandoned the Tyrant

the art is okay but the character and story sucks.so dropping

Azi created a topic of Will marry

it's annoying how this is ancient time And Chinese troupe and yet after 18 up you'll see an English name And korean name?. . like wtf? who's who now. I don't know if its the translation that fuck up that's why they got change the name or the writer really change their names.

Azi created a topic of Rivalry

i wish there's a scene on side story where he got a courage to came out to his father and then he got to know that his father loves him, officially met as boyfriends in front of his father and accepting their relationship.. I'm really interested on meet the parent or coming out and their parents accepted them troupe.i find it interesting if they have a blessings from their both parent than one sidedly.

Azi created a topic of The Bequeathed

i think i saw something like this on netflix a kdrama

this is good and annoying at the same time.

Azi created a topic of Exclusive Love

Done Reading the novel. The novel was R18+ there's so many NSFW happen in the story. it can be counted as YAOI than a Shounen AI. There's explicit part to .

tbh. the seme personality here is really different on the novel especially their second encounter. but i like the him on novel. he's not that mean and jerk but he's really a big bully to the mc. he also say facts than give a flowery word of flatter. when he realized he likes the mc and he like him back. he's become too fucking pervert, shameless, horny , he's also a protective and caring boyfriend. he's too domineering and jealousy guy. he's only good to mc but the rest he was cold to them. tbh seme is too good to be true as a bf material. he's rich,looks,fame and even if he's a bully guy of shamelessness. he's a type of person would do Anything for mc so he won't feel his suffering and always make him the priority than himself, he's a type of person can make you secure and all of his word are too sweet but also perverted. they both like each other. he always want to give everything to mc the only thing that downside on him is that he want to fuck hard and cant be gentle on bed. hahaha.

i enjoy his shamelessness and pervert side. although some of them is really embarrassing to take if it happen in real life. but i think i won't mind. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Azi created a topic of Exclusive Love

I'm still on 6 both novel and this but jeez why does the scene here and the happening in the novel was so exaggerated. like how they drawn. the novel so far doesn't look like that but they drawn it exaggeratedly especially the expression and their interaction. from what I see the personality of both mc and seme are different from here. it feel like their aura here is to loud while on novel is just mild like everytime they encounter in this manhua. it feels like they are a bomb which is different from the feelings in the novel. jeez. the reaction and expression both character portraying here is so annoying to see while on the novel they didn't describe it like that and some seen are different from the novel. either they skip some scene or the scene was faster on the novel and change the vibe. I guess I'll drop this coz the expression is too loud and exaggerated that it's annoying to see. can't like their personality here. I'll rate this manhua as 4/10. my imagination on the novel is really different on here. they put too much of tone on their expression and they give it fully and act like spoiled angry kid (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I guess I'll rather read the novel than this.

Azi created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

interesting. I'm reading the novel. I'm still on 50+ chapter tbh I got turn off of how rush mc fall for him and say he like him too. mc have this clear line that what he like was a girl few chapter away after force mark. he know it himself that he like is girls then suddenly, on the third time of mc need a temporary mark. but didn't want to ask the alpha. mc didn't want to get mark but that alpha still mark him despite the mc not wanting to get mark. it feels rush. that the hate feeling of mc from getting forced bite mark distinguish in just span of day.. they solve it with candy coaxing and then it's okay there's no sorry or such just mc explaining things why he didn't want to make him mark him again and alpha concern about his health that's why he did it. then the following day there's a basketball game and mc was a player and the alpha shout that he like the mc after the basketball game and mc told him that he like him too? like wtf this feel to rush especially mc said he still like girls despite knowing alpha like him but after the forced bite mark the mc like him like too wtf?? I don't know what to feel anymore if I'm gonna continue or just drop. I got interested in this coz of mc dense and not having a feelings on mc but they make him fall abruptly after force mark. I guess I need to drop this one for my brain cell sake..

ps. Done reading the novel. although the mc falling in Love part was fast that it disappoint me, i still try to keep reading it before dropping. so far, I enjoy the rest. knowing that they get married, living together with a cat and it's happy ending and no love triangle. it's good the only thing I hate here the forced marking part but I still like the alpha patience. he really take good care of mc, he's caring, he's protective. he's possessive due to his alpha instinct. he's childish and his acting was entertaining. they both complement each other. I also like the parents too. they gave blessing to their child lover and consent.. so it's fine and good to read this.. I'll rate it 8/10 or 4