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Azi created a topic of A Shoulder to Cry On

annoying. can't have patient with the black hair dude. i feel bad for the mc. if I was in the position of him and someone mess me up like that damn I'll retaliate. this pissed me off to read. dropping now. can't like him for the other guy. I don't get why he's gonna fall for him in the end when he's a fucking shit who ruin him. lmao.. I feel shit reading and seeing that guy.
forget about my rant. I guess I judge the black hair guy character easily coz he was a super asshole on the 1st several chapter. I didn't wait the other guys experience before I judge him why he like that. knowing the other side. I feel bad for him too. I'm crying when I learn that his wish become true. sometimes wishing something bad can be jinx. it can lead to a mental trauma.
I'm not finished reading yet (chapter 16). I'll add another rant when I'm bored reading

I finished reading it. i hate that it's already completed. I wish there's more of this. I hate and love this at the same time. this make me cry. I wish the author add more. it feels like a cliffhanger when they ended the story like that.