This reminds me one time I heard my aunt say " once a woman has baby, she's stops belonging to herself" and i guess it's true because I've seen it many times, you have to give yourself to another human being because they depend of you and they consume all your time too, especially if the husband is working all the time or thinks that taking care of the baby and house is a woman's rol. And that's when a part of you stops putting yourself first. Also people don't worry about you as much as they did before, they don't ask how are you feeling anymore and instead they ask about your baby or family life, old friends start distancing too ( especially if you have a baby at an early age) because you don't have time for them or they can't relate to your current situation. I believe this is the dark side of being a mother and wife, of course not everything is gonna be like this because even if I ask my family or friends if they regret anything they always say they don't and that they would do it again if they could but still, I wish things where a little better for them and many others too so they can keep enjoying of being their own person.
Ohh this was so long I'm sorry ik no ones gonna read it but i still wanted to say something about this hehe so yeah in conclusion that's why I don't feel any bad feelings towards her, i kinda get her situation:(

i definitely agree, for women it’s like they have to put their dreams on hold for their baby. they have less time for themselves, their career, their hopes, etc. their life revolves around the baby and the baby’s needs.
i feel really bad for our FL, she was only a teenager and she was forced to get married and have a kid while undergoing all these things, plus she was isolated from everyone... no wonder she was depressed and upset.
The pace is so weird, is it just me?