"The series 'The Heart of Red Cloak' has been taken down due to a discontinuation of our contract with the copyright holder. We apologize for the inconvenience."
These bitches didn't even wait for the series to fucking finish... Fucking Toomics I swear
Only the 1st 2 chapters are free.
Official English Translation is now on Tappytoon:
so here's an explanation why MD slapping CW is fucked up and wrong.
People who participate in BDSM do it to feel PLEASURE and GIVE THE OTHER ONE PLEASURE (and yes it can be hitting if it's discussed beforehand and consensual).
Now... do you ACTUALLY think that MD slapping CW was to make him feel good? Did it?
I hope it's clear now for everyone.
The plot is insanely cliche and uninspired. Can't find a drop of originality. And where is the blonde cutie guy???