I can’t be the only one who doesn’t like Jeanette…
First off I don’t give a fuck about the English lexicon and I care even less to write it with proper grammar. Secondly I don’t care if you were talking to me, U made a public comment on a question that would warrant responses and people discussing various opinions. Thirdly don’t call me sis actually better yet just don’t aave at all. Next time don’t answer my question with another comment so I do t have to hear you bitch about getting a response. You obviously wanna have a little moment hence why you immediately didn’t even read my reply and instead did a reject mean girl, like now you wanna answer? Lol fuck you. Next time you can just not post a comment or better ignore a comment u don’t want to reply :) it’s crazy but I promise you with a little common sense and the realization they’re is no reason to act weirdo online trying to be a poor mans regina George will do u wonder
Does anybody know the name of the “filler” story that’s after ch.34? ( ̄∇ ̄")