I hope you're happy for ruining my day cause you clearly can't read a conversation.

Now you're being a dick. Clearly you lack comprehension skills cause I literally said I accidentally clicked reply and saw the spoilers but obviously I'm the one who lacks comprehension. Man you're such a cunt even after ruining someones day. Glad I dont know you irl cause you would probably spoil everything.

Nah man I said that in my first comment but you clearly can't read so maybe check your own comprehension skills before trying to have a go at a cHiLd. I love you calling me a child and then swearing at the child and calling them dumb. You're obviously peaking in maturity. I am 100% petty but you're clearly older than me so congrats on deluding yourself into thinking you're smarter than a 'kid'. Must feel real good knowing that, well I guess you need that self esteem boost cause you're an idiotic cunt.

LMAOOO OH HE'LL BE FINE ALRIGHT. With the chaotic trio back, Jiwoo has his protection squad again xD I just know Jisuk n Soobin esp are going to annoy vesper ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭