Aiime's experience ( All 1 )

about question
  3 reply
25 01,2021

Aiime's answer ( All 214 )

Queen from a differnt land and a noble   reply
11 06,2024
adorable honestly   reply
11 06,2024
Star x Fanboy was my first idk if ppl even remember it anymore   1 reply
11 06,2024
yall gotta be crazy to think I would ever click a myreadingmanga link esp after I've been warned   reply
30 05,2024
I actually have to agree with this especially when the manhua have the like webtoon artstyle. However, I absolutely love Chinese Novels and even though they have the same plots there's just something so fun about reading 3000 chapters of either absolute nonsense or a gem.   reply
17 08,2023

Aiime's question ( All 7 )

Ok so you might be wondering why I said pls don't attack me and it's bc I'm a girl and I want to write a story ( yes I am under the age of 18 and I am pan)

I've said before I want to write stories and stuff bc I'm making up all these plots but this certain story just happens to have the main characters be mlm

Basic Plotline if you're wondering- the two main guys are in college and get paired up for a project (one is bi and the others gay(not out)) and they eventually get closer ( one of the guys was s*#ually assaulted by someone he trusted and I guess emotionally manipulated too) but I want to showcase how one helps the other grow and overcome his trauma. (Not like over a day but like genuine growing [multiple weeks and months] since he isn't a fan of touching)

The thing is I don't want to be called a fujoshi or a fetishes bc this certain story happens to be mlm

I'm not mlm so I obviously don't know exactly how everything works so I'd obviously research if I'm writing I also wanted to show more lgbt representation in my stories bc this would have an asexual female and in another story there's a trans guy

Haven't really made any specific characters yet other than the main cast and the son of bxtch neighbor
11 02,2021
24 01,2021
My issues and my likes about the app

Snow is a Korean app that a lot of korean idols use and slot of ppl dislike the app bc it severely whitewashes u

And it does (ill put a part of my face below) the filters are nice and all if I didn't look ashy all of a suddenly

I do use the app to take pictures of scenery and not myself bc some of the filters just look good outside
24 01,2021
Since there's been a lot of drama lately I want to see some stories ppl don't talk about enough that are non toxic and show how stereotypes can negatively affect someone

For me it's
It's about this guy who's around 19 I think and when he was in highschool he was talked about bc he hung around girls, liked pink, and plush toys anyways I really like the story and I can't wait for more of it is translated
23 01,2021
about vent
Hi again so basically I want to talk about how I have all these plot ideas and stuff so basically I'm someone who always thinks they can come up with decent plot ideas however I procrastinate and don't actually write
(Can skip the next paragraph)
So about 5 years ago I first got on wattpad and wanted to write (God I hate this time period) but I was an absolutely shit writer like writing was always my worst grade considering I made A's so I go through these times where I'm stuck on certain stuff and for the next about 2-3 years I would continue to try and write cringed fanfics and stories. Anyways when I was finally satisfied with my writing I didn't feel like writing anymore and I don't write fanfics anymore lmao

So basically I'm constantly getting these ideas for stories in my head but never actual write them and I've always thought about just making a story or something that just allows me to give ppl basic plots I mean there's one story that has been stuck in my head for 3 months (fantasy/isekai fan here) and a demon king would summon the hero before the humans can and I've created the beginning and a possible ending in my head. I've created different religions, Ideologies, and cultures that are inspired by different ones in my head so basically what I'm wanting to say is put down ideas you have and if you want to know more about my idea just let me know
22 01,2021
So if you can't tell I want to know what your favorite and least favorite genres are

But I'm also going to ask for you to put down a story you like in both genres

For me
I dislike mecha and tbh I steer clear of a story if it says mecha it's an anime and tbh im not sure if it's mecha but the closest thing for me would be A.I.C.O: Incarnation

I enjoy fantasy stories and stories based in more of a medieval time uhh i read basic ass isekai if the harem isn't to bad but a storiy for this could be That Time I got Reincarnated As a Slim
20 01,2021

People are doing

did saddest manga ever

8 hours
did learn a new skill

who knew actually leaving helped me heal? thank you for the experience fr and im just so glad-

11 hours
did saddest manga ever

(it's happy-sad but) Like A Butterfly

14 hours