i want another chapter.. is there going to be another nxt?
Keep in mind a bonus chapter isn't guaranteed though. A lot of time the final volume has a section with character sketches and concept stuff, so we don't really know if that will be the "bonus" section or if she'll still do a section like that in addition to the usual bonus chapter, or what. There'll probably be SOMETHING, tho.
(Also hi. ;p )
does anyone... know when will be this update?... its been soooo long since it last updated
It's kinda frustrating. I got into Anime an manga back in the day an learned to read an speak a little Japanese so I could look at more stuff that didn't come over, and now, all these years later, it's like, so much of the stuff I'm interested in is coming out of China an Korea, and all my language skills are completely useless. <_<
Hope someone either picks this up or we get an official translation I can buy.
wew...there's so much story that i want to know.. like who really shan is and what she wants (i mean what is her true intention to heaven. something like that)... and hiskaya.. why the evil side of haki lives in her body... waaahh those two angel really. really have more secrets to reveal .. i cant wait for more chapters.. thanks
try the webcomics. its in chapter 480 now of season1