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Justupdatepls created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Like his character is written SO well. He is a really complicated, flawed, and tragic but beautifully fleshed out character.

TBH when I first started reading it was hard for me to forgive him for what happened to Rapiel even if it wasn’t intentional l. Because like, what did you expect to happen? But man, the remorse and torture he willingly subjected himself through as a result of the guilt. Overall, he had such heart wrenching journey outlining his genuine desire to atone for his actions. Even in his second life, he tried to live in a way that atoned for his actions and genuinely tried to not become a nuisance to the Kloff and Rapiel. He was capable of learning from mistakes

Now Kloff…

That mf is a nuisance no matter which timeline he’s in. I