At this rate im starting to think that seme is a skunk .l.

You said "I am stating to think seme's a skunk". And that's not just implying he's spreading his scent.
The association with skunks is be suse if their foul stench, which is supposed to scare away threats. But their scent isn't pleasant.
Lots of things can be portrayed as a scent spraying with good connotations, such as perfume.
Why are you telling me to grow up?!?
You sound like a 12 y.o.
And if you make such a remark to offend the alpha who has good intentions how do you think your comment will come across?!?

Welcome to the gay cowboy bebop

Their art style definitely looks and feels like 90s anime in design so it does kinda make sense how they look similar. Especially Calaban because I really do think he looks like a burly, hair and older version of Spike. As for Johnny it’s definitely the wide eye shape AND his fluffy hair. There was this one BL I tried to read called pian pian and I SWEAR the ML looks exactly like Leon Kennedy but anime/manwha version. (Btw I don’t recommend it’s literally just s*x and more s*x very boring)

I think the character to hate is here Ml.Your partner is manipulative ok,you know that already.But you're just stupid and you deserve it.C'mon you dont have any self respect and like to be treated way so this is not only mc's fault.This guy so stupid that dont even pity him.They suit each other lol.Anyways, its not that a bad read,kinda mid, maybe interesting too cuz we're already tired of theres being so many toxic seme out there.

Not really,he's not weak or anything then why he still just with him?I'm not saying this is always the case for toxic relationships or Mc is good one but if you gonna hate one of them MORE than its this guy lol.Also he is not with him by any force.Just accept that he's dense...Sometimes you can't save victims cuz its their fault cause of their stupitidy, thats a fact for sure.Also, this guy wouldn't even wanna survive from this toxicity, heh.You can't pity everyone cause they're a victim.
Who tf first ever brought that cakeverse idea?Then imma create peeverse
Lmao tf