i know this ain’t really related to mangaaaa but like i need help finding this one good anime where there was a boy who got in a small incident and he goes to this some like gang school and this girl helped him and they looked the same except she was a girl. (if this helps they have pink hair) and so the guy was like i need you to fill in for me at school.

I forgot about this manga it was on the popular manga page. It’s about this guy who dies and go to hell, since there are sections of hell he was sent to the section where he gets constantly raped and stuff because he liked sex. Anyways the leader?? Idk comes deal with him, himself since he still enjoying it and yeah but he gets pregnant and is sent to the human world. SORRY if I didn’t explain it good I just want to see it again
do yall prefer smuts with light saber pp or uncensored?
Saber. Unless the uncensored is professionally drawn (or at least looks appealing), I don't wanna see an uncensored pp because I'd rather you be plain white saber than an ugly looking thang.
Both are good even those with flowers censorship (Chinese manhua)
Honestly i prefer lightsaber because it avoids the possibility of seeing a badly drawn or out-of-place looking pp
Got any reccs for immaculate uncensored pp’s?
never really gave it much thought till uncensored ones were an option. now wth would i want light sabers? lmao i can settle for it but never choose it
I don't prefer it. But I am not crazy about them either, like especially going to find uncensored ones.
Light saber