This may be my favorite addition to the "Petshop of Horrors" universe. The character of the Baron is just delightful and somewhat reminds me of Chris in that he actually does care about the creatures and the Count. I know this is marked as completed, but technically it is not - it is just very, very infrequently updated on the origins end.
If anyone is selling the English manga for cheap, tell me please.

Rodrigo22, before you so kindly posted up the main story, I had read it months ago on my crappy, obsolete, small AF screen phone. Thanks to you, I have access to the webtoon on my glorious laptop screen. Thanks to you, my eyes are not getting wrinkled from squinting and my neighbors no longer hear my cursing out the phone for freezing or dying because it fucking hates apps/me/eats batteries. Thank you.

And then later, have to suffer through such deep feelings of unfairness and pain that are like a black hole. UGH. It is a beautiful story, yes, but such a hard one to get through. Though they may be fictional, set in a fictional work, they should not go through such loss and heartbreak --- The real world is terrible enough as it is, let fiction be a respite. Time for fluff and rainbows and happy endings (at least in fiction for me) for a while to offset this gaping sadness.

Does anyone know if this has finished yet? Before the summer it had stopped at chapter 90 on webcomics... Raws or just confirmation of it being dropped would be great too! Thanks

Thanks for replaying! It is still updating and matching the nsfw version from webnovel(sorry if wrong name)... But if they only go up to what was on webcomics, that will be ch90 too. The main story finished, but the side was cute... so hoping someone knows the raws and if it actually was dropped or ends in our lifetimes. LOL!

There are so many positives to this story: the art, the characters and the relationships (to name a few). Equally important is the realistic depiction of how hard the lgbt+ community has it in modern day China. It is a reminder for the younger generation, like those depicted in Here U Are, to fight for human and equal rights. Even if not in China, other countries with antiquated laws need the same fight internally. It is not enough to have global, outside groups working to help change the laws. Change must also come from within. For those of us that are lucky to live in countries that have equal laws, we must be vocal allies for everyone is worthy of their truth and worthy of true love.

I was hoping for a longer side story, 8 chapters feels rather short. It would have been nice if the original couple had shown up since both Chanwoo and MD were in the main story... kind of like balancing out both sides. Though the wet clothes on MD was sexy as f***, from experience, it is REALLY uncomfortable wearing full wet wear so it was a bit strange to see him fully clothed in the bathtub... which leads to the last scene and in bed he is in a robe (still clothed!) but we know that at soooooome point was undressed with sexy times because of the hickeys on him. Odd.

They have not only about a 10 year age gap, but also a maturity gap. I mean, remember the redhead's thoughts with even trying something with a male first were just because he was tired of girls being too much for him, and his first interaction with Uncle Pan was ... not very positive. Instead of acting normal, he basically threw some rather insulting tropes at the guy. Rather immature. So, yes, this relationship is slow burning... Pan is interested in seeing if the guy really is interested and not in a "tried in once in college way" and the redhead is irritated because he is used to getting what he wants.
As for the other couples: many people have said that both LiHuan and Pinky are both straight. Well, LiHuan had never had any type of relationship outside of his parents before and he fell in love with a guy. Maybe you could call him fluid or bi, but it really looks like a guy who is just as homosexual as his boyfriend and found out about any sexual urges later in life. Pinky? If their relationship changes, then yes, probably bi or pan. But, no, never straight. YOU cannot turn a straight person into something else, and vice versa. jeez.

Hahaha first, I like that we both seem to have forgotten Pinky's (or Pinkey's) name in the story. The interesting thing about norms and values in societies like China, meaning ones that are very anti-lgbt, is that when looking at their history, it is relatively new. Same sex marriage and relationships were still open even in the early 1900's in China.

Exactly. It's honestly wild. I'm not sure for China, but I know for Japan's sake (and even ancient Rome if we're going that deep) in Feudalism era, male/male relationships were so damn common, you were STRANGE to be with a woman, until colonizers came and basically wiped everyone with not only disease but Christianity.

I remember a while back that DJun had mentioned a physical edition in the works. I saw copies on IG yesterday and looked it up today, to see that there is one for sale. I cannot read the original language, but would like to purchase if it is really the author's work... So, if anyone has purchased a copy, help? Or, this is the website I saw it available: https://www.aliexpress.com/i/4000504486975.html If anyone could tell me if this is the real thing and not a knock off, please help! Thanks for reading. :)
This is such a treat to read! The premise allows for any wacky story line and is just so much fun! I love how they they are married and the usual issues of being together for a while come up, but nothing about being part of an lgbtq couple is considered strange in this China. Finally, complete normalization and equality!! Everything else is crazy (including just how wealthy they are - adopt me??).