rhjames May 13, 2024 12:03 am

I'm starting to pity yaoi readers and writers who don't know what real penises look like. Imagine the shock and disappointment the first time you see a penis irl if you've spent years reading yaois with monster cocks! It's gone from absurd to farce to laughably ridiculous. I'm just waiting for the day when a seme's dick is longer than his leg

rhjames April 21, 2024 1:09 am

I've never been to Korea, so I really can't understand why K yaoi authors are sooooo obsessed with good looking, terrible, rapist semes in so many stories. It feels like with each new story, it becomes more normalized and that's such a shame. Yes, it's fiction. But rape happens everyday. And if a gay man gets raped, most societies don't care. And readers of these stories who you would expect to at least sorta care about real gay people are becoming so numb to rape that it often feels like readers think rape is nbd as long as the seme starts being nice by the end of the story. That's awful.

I know no one is forcing anyone to read this and we could stop at any time. But it's hard to drop a story when the last thing you see from a character you've grown to care about over years is him getting pinned down and rraped by the man he's been in love with for most of his life. This is really tramatic and triggering.

    lau April 21, 2024 1:32 am

    I get what you're saying, and I do agree that this may be triggering for some people, but I've read so many non-con stories (not by choice, just by chance, because as you've said they're a dime a dozen, especially in K BL) and I will never, EVER equate fictional non-con with r8p in reality. That's a disservice to the horrific experiences real victims go through. Not to mention how plenty of survivors process their trauma through reading these types of stories, and how psychologists actually encourage this kind of therapy.

    Mine is an anecdotal case, of course, but I'm pretty sure plenty of people can distinguish fiction from reality. If someone can't, I implore them to reflect on why they cannot distinguish one from the other, and protect themselves first by simply not reading the story. You can definitely drop it, and I encourage you to drop it when you're ill-prepared to deal with the emotions that you feel when reading stories like these. It's not the end of the world if you don't finish reading a story that you're not yet prepared to consume, and it's not really a loss to never read it again.

    rhjames April 21, 2024 2:22 am
    I get what you're saying, and I do agree that this may be triggering for some people, but I've read so many non-con stories (not by choice, just by chance, because as you've said they're a dime a dozen, especia... lau

    After years of this, rape apologists who can't even type out the word rape, while criticizing people who object to this type of content will NEVER surprise me. I specifically pointed out that I'm aware this is fiction. But saying it's fiction doesn't magically absolve the authors of these types of stories from being responsible for the type of content they choose to create.

    If a million rape survivors are completely comfortable this type of content and a million rape survivors like myself say we aren't, does the fictional rape is OK team win out because that's the side you support? No, that's not how this works. In my first post I didn't say all fictionalized depictions of rape shouldn't exist and I'm not saying that now.

    If you choose to believe that anyone who objects to terrible depictions of human behavior in fiction are the problem. Or that the majority of readers/viewers of terrible fictional depictions of human behavior take away no baggage after reading/viewing that type of content, you're very naive. Propaganda and marketing groups have been shaping people's worldviews using fictionalized content since propaganda has existed.

    I will conclude my response by quoting myself since you seem to have not read my entire comment, "I know no one is forcing anyone to read this and we could stop at any time." You're condescending last paragraph shows me that you are not mature enough to have an actual conversation on the topic of the impacts of RAPE in media on society and that is not something I will change. I hope if you are ever raped and seek therapy to help you heal, that your therapist does not recommend reading yaoi rape stories. I will not be responding if you reply. It is obvious our perspectives on this matter are very different.

    lau April 21, 2024 9:04 am
    After years of this, rape apologists who can't even type out the word rape, while criticizing people who object to this type of content will NEVER surprise me. I specifically pointed out that I'm aware this is ... rhjames

    I'm not sure where or how you've misread my comment, perhaps because tone isn't really carried very well across text, but what I'm saying is that if something you've read made you feel beyond uncomfortable you'd call it traumatic and triggering, then you should definitely drop it because it isn't something worth losing your mental wellness over. That's self-harm to a degree, and this is general advice when encountering content like this. On what point did I say that we shouldn't criticize works like these? I also dislike the fact that it's almost all I see in K BL these days. I've stated that it's something I've unwittingly encountered so many times, and it's something I wish would be written about with more nuance. I'm simply objecting to the fact that you've stated in your initial comment that readers are becoming numb, when majority of the comments CONDEMN these types of works. If there's anything wrong here, it's that this story isn't tagged with anything indicative of the trigger warnings so that people who don't wish to encounter this could avoid it. Stop infantilizing other people and looking at them as if they can't distinguish right from wrong, how very condescending of you.

    That you would call someone a r8p (yes, I will continue to censor NOT because I flinch at these words, or for any perceived lack of maturity on your part, but because I take care at moving through these cyberspaces so that I DON'T see more of what I'm censoring, as unfortunately that's how the internet works) apologist just because they said that the effects of r8p in fiction is not even CLOSE to what it is in reality, is simply deplorable. Thank you for reminding me that survivors can also be unkind to other survivors.

    And I'm speaking about emotions that we as individuals feel, not some kind of propaganda you're seeing through K BL on a site that pir8s works from countless creators all over the world. I've had this kind of conversation about how fiction =/= reality so many times over the years that I'm quite tired of it, so forgive the hard words, but like I've said, if it's something that you can't mentally dissociate yourself from even after some time, then be kind to yourself (and others, especially when it's content that contains harming others in it) and remove yourself physically from it. If anyone's ill-prepared to read these kinds of stories, maybe because they're too young to process their emotions in a healthy way or because they don't have the most stable foundation of morality that even something fictional could sway them to care less, or god forbid, do these atrocious things IRL, then they SHOULDN'T be reading this.

    How ironic is it that you're a survivor and you're wishing real-life harm on others you disagree with over the internet. May your karma reflect on you tenfold.

rhjames April 13, 2024 10:30 am

I know we all let a lot slide when it comes to human anatomy in yaoi, but I can't help but wonder if the author has ever actually seen a man's nipple. That was soooooo unsexy! (⊙…⊙ )

rhjames March 15, 2024 3:15 am

I've never been so happy for a yaoi to end. This was miserable, I'll never read anything by this author again

rhjames March 2, 2024 3:26 pm

I miss when this was about Max and Chris's relationship. Now each chapter is filled with terrible events. This is too messed up, I'm done

    Norn March 2, 2024 3:51 pm

    This was always a crime thriller though?

    Pipo March 2, 2024 5:30 pm

    It’s a crime thriller and it’s what makes it so damn good, if you’re only here for the fluffy love, then this is not for you I guess. Everything about this story keeps me on the edge of my seat, I love it.

rhjames March 1, 2024 11:55 pm

Cain deserved so much better. But I'm glad he's happy and back with his family

rhjames February 6, 2024 1:47 am

The dad is gorgeous, but after Bye Bye being wonderful, this plot is disappointing. I'm so tired of rapey semes and a complete lack of consent. Also the eyes are kinda creepy. I'm putting this one on hold.

    JaysAndJakeSupremacy February 6, 2024 1:49 am

    Im pretty sure its a different author. Just sir artist/author of byebye is taking up the job for this one.

    rhjames February 6, 2024 2:56 am
    Im pretty sure its a different author. Just sir artist/author of byebye is taking up the job for this one. JaysAndJakeSupremacy

    ooooooo that makes sense. I didn't even think of that

    AWinterWonderLand February 6, 2024 6:00 am
    ooooooo that makes sense. I didn't even think of that rhjames

    This artist did the illustration for ByeBye but this is the artist's own work.

    JaysAndJakeSupremacy February 6, 2024 11:38 am
    This artist did the illustration for ByeBye but this is the artist's own work. AWinterWonderLand

    Ah yes i just noticed byebye author's is sorim

rhjames January 19, 2024 10:29 pm

I hope this ends soon. A better writer would not be dragging in this out when the outcome has been obvious since the start.

    KIMI WA SHOJO NANO? January 19, 2024 11:02 pm

    You know we all say this

    But if you were given a pen do you think you could do better????

    It’s just a question
    No hate

    rhjames January 20, 2024 6:50 am
    You know we all say thisBut if you were given a pen do you think you could do better????It’s just a question No hate KIMI WA SHOJO NANO?

    No I don't, but I've never claimed to be a writer. But being a writer isn't a requirement for being able to point out bad writing. And most of the recent comments are talking about the bad writing.

    KIMI WA SHOJO NANO? January 20, 2024 7:02 am
    No I don't, but I've never claimed to be a writer. But being a writer isn't a requirement for being able to point out bad writing. And most of the recent comments are talking about the bad writing. rhjames

    Ik ik
    Of course I also don’t like how the story is being dragged
    Tbh I skipped a lot of panels in this chapter

    But it’s the way you put the comment

rhjames January 14, 2024 3:06 am

Every chapter is nothing but misery and pain. This could end now and I would feel nothing but contempt. jooin suffered in the beginning, but I've sat through all the suffering and now the victim has become the villain. It's obvious what the writer is trying to do, but it's completely not working. Please end this soon. I wish Cain never showed up, he deserved sooooooooo much better!

HaiLuoYin July 23, 2021 4:33 am

Don't read this if you don't want the spoiler

It feels like Henry is gonna kill himself because he knows the truth about James. I won't be ok if that happens. That can't happen, please no (╥﹏╥)

    Sherly July 24, 2021 2:27 pm

    I don't think so because if one of them dies the story would end or loose it's meaning

    Chocobo July 24, 2021 3:09 pm

    There's a possibility he'll try to do it. But I hope James will stop him or better if he won't ever think of doing it since he now has James. You know, as much as I feel bad for Henry I think he need a little push to be strong for himself. So he and James won't get hurt anymore

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