I read this because I came across the short animation in youtube for this. Maaaan. Never knew this was a masterpiece.
Eunhyun, Haejun, everyone just felt so real and their stories made me cry.
I really related to Eunhyun and Haejun’s “friendship” as dysfunctional as it is. The way they found solace and understanding in one another and yet it’s hard for them to show it is like how it was with a friend of mine. Coincidentally he was my housemate during college lmao and we had a lot of unhealthy fights. But deep down, we’re always concerned with one another. The scene when their relationship completely broke down during the sports festival was too real for me since that is exactly how it played out with my friend. We said very harsh words to one another and it took time to repair our relationship. Distance and other friends also played a big role in healing. Now me and my friend are really good friends still and we have both matured a lot since then.
Anyway just really love this series. I want the kids to be happy.

“Is he finally done with me?” Lmao sorry I live just seeing the ML be soooo whipped for the MC. Idk I probably read too much stone-faced black haired MC who never really gets this sentimental.
Also that Kang friend guy and his straight guy friend is kinda fiiine hope there’s a side story or a spinoff about them.

Eh? Kinda hate how the MC is just so wishy washy. He said all those things in the vaguest way possible while still leaving the red head hanging. I know this was made for tension and drama but people like the MC ends up stringing along people like that unnecessarily. Idk. Is it the lack of awareness for his feelings or red heads feeelings or whatever. It just kinda sucks.
Huh. I thought red head would be more antagonistic towards dochan. But they don’t seem like it I guess. Where is this exactly going tho?
Just being grown up about it OR a declaration of "May the best man win?" We shall see