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DChain May 29, 2021 1:13 am

That’s his background story, REALLY!? I thought he’ll have more tragic story than that lol. But seriously, blaming yourself for something you don’t have any power to change is beyond ridiculous. The ML was a fucking kid who didn’t have any strength to lift a grown adult and he blames himself (and it traumatized him). REALLY!?

    btsjinnie May 29, 2021 1:20 am

    I mean it’s still pretty traumatizing to see ur mother die right in front of you. I think he is going through survivor guilt TT

    abistarcrafter May 29, 2021 1:53 am

    do you realize how mean you sound right now? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    TigBiddies May 29, 2021 6:42 am

    Are you alright in the head!? He was a child and he saw his own mother die in front of him. He survived thinking that if he had a little bit more power, he could've saved his own mother.

    He was a little child. It doesn't matter if his own mother said it wasn't his fault. The whole accident will stay with him hiw whole life? What in the flying fuck?

    We belittling someone else's trauma now? Wowowowow

    kareot May 29, 2021 8:31 am

    that grown adult that he failed to lift was his own mother. she’s not some random passerby. the one that gave birth to him and raised die in front of his eyes. what kind of person would you be if you lack empathy and dismiss his survival guilt as something that’s “beyond ridiculous”. YOU’RE ridiculous.

    April Rinn May 29, 2021 11:23 am

    Wow can you read what you just wrote again? "blaming yourself for something you don’t have any power to change is beyond ridiculous" yeah no. Have you never have anything gone wrong (or terribly, TERRIBLY wrong in his case) and just thought "if only..." that's exactly what happened! And watching the person you love falls to their death BECAUSE you don't have the power to help them, of course he's going to blame himself! wth! "If only I had more strength" "if only I was bigger" "if only I knew how to fight back" "if only I was stronger" "if only we didn't go on that trip" I could go on sigh

    DChain May 30, 2021 3:53 pm

    Lol you people missed the point. What do you mean about “ a little bit more power” and ‘ If only I had more strength?’ These are true for a child to have in this situation but if he could think more logically as an ADULT he may be able to get pass it thinking it was impossible for a child like him to carry his mother.

    I know how traumatizing it is to lose your mother in front of you but his mother herself told him not to blame himself (you guys probably missed that one too). His mother knew he will blame himself for her death so she wanted to calm him down until her last moment. Of course her words alone won’t bring him peace. However, his trauma should be about losing her mother in front of him NOT because he didn’t have any power and keep blaming himself for it. If he could take a moment to think about the situation, he wouldn’t be tormented the way he is now. Right now, he is displaying a child’s mentality.

    Also, where are the adults who traveled with them??? They were in a carriage and now they’re alone in a bridge (a not so damaged one) yet her mother fell on the side. And of course there’s probably a reason for that but I won’t shut my mind before they show it to us.

    DChain May 30, 2021 4:09 pm

    Before you guys attack me about why they are in the bridge, I’ll tell you guys how my thoughts how it came to be.

    The manhwa shows that their carriage is near a bridge (probably where ML’s mother fell). {I don’t know why a high ranking nobles don’t have guards traveling with them but Ok~ It also looks like they were in a vacation judging by how the ML looks excited (or visiting someone important to them}. So if they were attacked and lost, they would’ve retreated to the bridge and someone was chasing after them and the mother probably slipped. However, if they were attacked near the bridge (where it was illustrated) the enemies would’ve caught up to them quickly judging by the distance of the bridge and their carriage. The last thing that probably happened is probably a Deus Ex Machina where knights suddenly appeared to save him. Pfft~

    btsjinnie May 30, 2021 4:31 pm
    Before you guys attack me about why they are in the bridge, I’ll tell you guys how my thoughts how it came to be. The manhwa shows that their carriage is near a bridge (probably where ML’s mother fell). {I ... DChain

    Well there probably is some plot hole there but it still doesn’t mean u can minimize someone’s trauma. Not everyone need a super sad and traumatizing backstory. You know there are people out there who might suffer the same as him. for an example a child wanting to go somewhere, they drive there and get in an accident the parents die and the child survived. The child would obviously feel guilt even if it’s not their fault. Same for him( ̄へ ̄)

    TigBiddies May 30, 2021 4:51 pm
    Before you guys attack me about why they are in the bridge, I’ll tell you guys how my thoughts how it came to be. The manhwa shows that their carriage is near a bridge (probably where ML’s mother fell). {I ... DChain

    You are in over your head if you think what you said was okay. You never even gave the Ml the benefit of the doubt. What made you think he wasn't thinking logically? What made you think he did not reconsider his mother's last words? Of course, those small details are not things we would come to know of unless it was OUTRIGHT mentioned in the dialogues. That ALSO applies to the little details. Of course, that may lie in fault of the author.

    You pointed out some flaws in the plot but none of them took away from the fact that the ml literally saw his mother die right in front of him.

    Moreover, it seems to me that it was YOU who missed the whole point.

    It was literal TRAUMA. No matter how much you strain your head with logic, TRAUMA will always stick with you. I've experienced that first-hand. And it still sticks to me like a timeless wound. People will tell you that it wasn't your fault, of course you're going to take their word for it. HOWEVER, trauma is a permanent scar on the psyche. It will never go away. You will doubt even the most logical reasons and excuses you give yourself.

    And what's this about the ml displaying a child's mentality? The incident stemmed from his childhood. He would definitely exhibit traits of childishness while remembering the cause of his distress.Traumatic stress does that to you. This is borderline basic psychology.

    And what's wrong with being "child-like"? As I see it, not a single person in the world is in a permanent, stratified mental state. Our mental faculties are ever changing. Being child-like at times does not make someone immature. Heck, there isn't even a proper way to go about with the word "mature". How does one become mature. Is maturity one thing? Two things?

    You underestimate trauma. The way I see it, you project unto others what you would've done yourself. As if everyone operated the same way you do. You kept spewing your logic as if it was the only thing to consider when someone undergoes trauma.

    Logic and reason come in lieu with emotions. Of course, we are also responsible for keeping those emotions in check. Both logic and emotion are what makes us 'US'. To deny this is to deny our very nature.

    The fact that you don't even see what was wrong with your statements is utterly concerning. Much so, deplorable, if you are an adult.

    DChain May 31, 2021 9:57 am

    First of all, he’s not acting as if he considered her mother’s words (blaming himself for something out of his hands). As you said, there are many details that are left out or we are yet to see and this is MY initial reaction seeing him in such state.

    Who are YOU to lecture me about trauma when you don’t even know me or my experiences. The way I see it, you’re someone who makes things seems impossible. Trauma being something that never goes away? You are generalizing trauma to your own experiences...As someone who was depicted as a smart and perceptive person, the ML couldn’t think about what happened and see that his mother’s death is not his fault (From what we’ve seen so far from the story). While I do acknowledge that his emotions blurred his thoughts but time has passed and he surely must’ve reflected on what happened. Sure, I’m projecting what I would’ve done but you can’t deny what I’m talking about. You probably reflected on your trauma or even your choices that led to significant consequences and observed what you could’ve done better in the future. However, ML is stuck blaming himself for something he didn’t have control of (he was a weak child who didn’t have strength to carry his mother up).

    Experiences in life is one of things that allows us to exhibit “mature” characteristics and I do agree that all adults are vulnerable to display what our society or even us individuals consider “childish.” But that doesn’t excuse the ML not to reflect on his trauma and his thoughts around it. Like all of us, the ML experiences many things that trigger his mind to reflect on his behavior while growing up (there’s no way a person does not reflect on his actions despite how trivial they are). Despite a person’s “child mentality” resurfacing, an experienced person’s mind would inevitably pick up fragments of their traumatic experiences for them to begin reflecting. Again, this is my take on trauma and may not apply to you. I am not, in any shape or form, deny our human nature. All of my statements are my initial thoughts and have been shaped from my experiences. If I offended any of you, it is our differences that allowed such thing (it is inevitable) but I do apologize.

    Yet (TigBiddies), it is much obnoxiously deplorable for a random person to force their ideologies to someone they don’t know. You believe my mindset is such concerning but here you are spouting your fill without knowing who you are talking to. There are really those who can’t mind their own business and if they see someone out of their “righteous mindset” they would try to keep forcing their way of thinking and make other people feel they are the problem.

    TigBiddies May 31, 2021 10:54 am
    First of all, he’s not acting as if he considered her mother’s words (blaming himself for something out of his hands). As you said, there are many details that are left out or we are yet to see and this is ... DChain

    Oh dear. It felt as though I was talking to a wall. Everything I said flew over your head. You didn't pick up a single nuance of my earlier comment. Not a single one. Please don't nother replying to this thread. I'm losing braincells at an alarmingly fast rate.

    DChain May 31, 2021 4:46 pm

    What a predictive end for a haughty and arrogant person. You’re losing brain cells because you can’t understand that we have a point of view (that you can’t change) and you believe that your mindset is the “superior truth.” We are DIFFERENT but oh well, I hope you don’t go on other discussion boards and convert other people to your mindset, a very shabby thing to do if I say so myself. Anyway, have a great day to you person~

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