Daemon September 25, 2020 11:50 pm

BSD certainly isn't quite as clever as its fandom hypes it up to be but it is quite good nonetheless, with intriguing, if a bit caricature-ish characters. The fandom at times is quite horrible but that doesn't really affect my views on the overall perception. It certainly has some unique and controversial views on subjects of morality like child abuse, views I disagree with but are interesting to learn about anyways. Personally, the side characters are more compelling than the main character but that's only because of how he's written at times and nothing else. A solid 3.5 out of 5.

Daemon September 25, 2020 11:41 pm


Daemon September 25, 2020 11:37 pm

. . . I think completely summarizes how stupid the entire story is going to be.

    AimuNoob September 26, 2020 12:18 am

    This story pretty good and it's funny

    sakura_killua September 26, 2020 1:52 am

    stupidly funny ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Daemon September 25, 2020 11:35 pm

I get all the P.O.Vs and that the nobility had a lot of lenience, but the author is clearly being lazy and inept by not addressing the moral corruptness of a system that disregards accountability by having the main cast address the BS the Prince tried to pull. They clearly brushed attempted murder and rape off and that's not cool.

Daemon September 25, 2020 11:20 pm

First of all, I'll start by saying that I love the MCs and this story, it's really well done. So please, no idiots comment saying I shouldn't read it if I don't like it, it'll make you look like an idiot.
Ok then. Rant time.
1st, Taejun was also at fault for starting an affair with a married man with a kid, probably twice his age and expecting smooth sailing. Unless the other woman/man was oblivious, they're also at fault for fucking a cheater. Don't get me wrong, Prof. was also in the wrong, but blaming him for Taejun's death was an emotionally plausible, but idiotic statement. Also, that line about Taejun committing suicide being his own choice or something he did for himself for the first time was pretty messed up. Suicide is basically a person giving away their agency; it's not a choice, it's the absence of one. Nonetheless, Prof.'s ending was bittersweet and realistic and I actually really liked him from what little I saw.
2nd, the Hyung and Uncle's relationship was just a shoddy, idiotic attempt at giving every 'pitiful' character a happy ending. It was so unnecessary that their entire arc made me cringe.
3rd, Juha and Doyoon were for me, really underdeveloped. I could never forgive Juha for that comment he told Taeyi about how he couldn't even save his own brother, something he never even apologize forヽ(`Д´)ノ IDGAF how traumatised someone is, if I was in Taeyi's shoes and they said that about my dead brother, I'd break their jaw or at least only move on with a proper apology but Juha did neither yet I'm supposed to like him? He also assaulted Seheon, a character I'm actually invested in and he also gave a half-assed apology and the whole thing was then brushed right off. Also, when tf did Doyoon get time to fall in love Juha in the first place? Juha hung mainly around Taeyi and ignored Doyoon, when did Doyoon fall in love with him? Was it while his ankle was being crushed? Or was it because of the 'sad' look in Juha's eyes that made you pity him while the asshole broke your ankle like omg this sad boi, I'm sooo gay(▰˘◡˘▰) Did his bones being crushed make him horny like?? (/TДT)/ Even that apology is half-assed and Doyoon excuses it because he's 'in love' with Juha, like babe, that's toxic. Juha is the classic example of 'I had a terrible childhood and now I'm a jackass so that excuses my actions', like bro . . . you're about to fucking graduate, couldn't you have thought of IDK, seeing a therapist? Doyoon also became a fucking idiot whenever Juha was around, like bruh, your crush assaulted someone, you still like them so you're a fucking idiot anyways, but then you made them both sit uncomfortably together during a trip and failed to inform the victim so you could get laid. These two just made me uncomfortable and you could've added in a voice-over for their parts and the story wouldn't change. It'd be better even. At least Taeyi and Seheon address the violent parts in their initial relationship with Seheon taking shit from no one, that's my baby (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Finally, Juhee was just a fucking nightmare. I hate it when girls are portrayed as utter bitches in media but that bitchiness is normalised. Like bro, I don't need to tell you whom I'm dating if I reject you. I could be the loneliest person in the world, still reject you and not owe you any explanation. Fuck off.

Of course, Taeyi and Seheon were the best and no I don't take criticism. I'd give this a solid 3 out of 5. Not bad.

Ps. the character sketch of Juha was hot if not cliche in the beginning, they just turned him into a caricature of a repressed gay boi during his arc with Doyoon. Sad.

    Aya3 September 28, 2020 7:59 pm

    Wholeheartedly agreed. I really enjoyed it but actually, the further into the story we went from one point, the more things didn't *click* right.
    Seheon is my favourite character - that boy is my baby.

    "Suicide is basically a person giving away their agency; it's not a choice, it's the absence of one." I wouldn't say it's the absence of choice but rather, the inability to see other choices.

    Daemon September 29, 2020 12:25 am
    Wholeheartedly agreed. I really enjoyed it but actually, the further into the story we went from one point, the more things didn't *click* right.Seheon is my favourite character - that boy is my baby."Suicide i... Aya3

    Very well put. I completely understand your point of view. Suicide really does limit one's ability to see other choices.

    kate216 September 29, 2020 2:25 am

    i really like how you pointed out that taejun was also at fault and that the prof shouldnt be blamed for his suicide. that’s what really turned me off from this manga even tho it used to me my absolute favorite. i didn’t like how suicide was tackled in this.

    i just really felt bad for the prof and i wish someone couldve told him that suicide wasn’t his fault. like what u pointed out taejun committed suicide bc he’s trauma or depression made him unable to see other choices.

    suicide should NEVER be blamed on somebody else unless ofc an individual actually directly told or caused someone to commit suicide.

    Daemon September 29, 2020 3:50 am

    Yeah the way suicide was handled was really disappointing. First people claimed that Taejun committing suicide was the only time he did something for himself and I was like wtf ヽ(`Д´)ノ Then they claimed that he was happy before he committed suicide and I was like (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Finally the Prof. was the only one blamed as though Taejun hadn't willingly had an affair with a married man. Taejun in no way was a blameless little angel like the webtoon made him out to be. Yes his treatment was shitty but he was also an adult who made terrible choices. He didn't deserve to die but no one caused his death except for himself. The Prof. deserved better than being constantly blamed for Taejun's death when the real shitty thing he did was cheating on his wife and that wasn't even addressed as a real problem(⊙…⊙ )

    canela September 30, 2020 7:45 pm

    i agree with everything except the part of you liking the prof like he was supposed to be the teacher and shoulda stopped it but ehh i really loved the story mostly just taeyi and seheon bc they are sooo cuteee!! OMG and the part where you said every pitiful character has to get a happy ending i always see those tropes and its SOO IRRITATING like i wouldnt mind it if they didnt get together and juha... just no i lived your comment and replies and im so glad we agree on basically everything with this storyyyy

    Daemon January 14, 2021 4:25 am
    i agree with everything except the part of you liking the prof like he was supposed to be the teacher and shoulda stopped it but ehh i really loved the story mostly just taeyi and seheon bc they are sooo cuteee... canela

    'i agree with everything except the part of you liking the prof like he was supposed to be the teacher and shoulda stopped it '
    Oh absolutely! Taejun was the one who came onto Prof. but Prof. was really senior to him, a married man with kids and a teacher. Him doing what he did was still abusing the power dynamics he had and failing as an educator (at least he got w a University student and not a high school student but small mercies), but what I meant was that how his story progressed after Taejun's death and the genuine regret he had. He's a realistic character who was unfairly blamed as the only character at fault when Taejun was just as, if not more at fault. Hopefully he'll focus on his career and teaching again, ad never lay hands on a student even if they come to him first. He has both the power and responsibility to stop any ill-begotten crush.

    But ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
    I'm so happy you agree with me!

    canela January 14, 2021 5:06 am
    'i agree with everything except the part of you liking the prof like he was supposed to be the teacher and shoulda stopped it 'Oh absolutely! Taejun was the one who came onto Prof. but Prof. was really senior t... Daemon

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ muah! in my opinion i dont think the professor should be teaching anymore like yeah i did like the genuine regret he was feeling but the fact still stays that he chose to continue that relationship with a studentt!!! cmonn. thats just gross to me T T but i love people who make thorough comments that really get you thinking on a deeper side of things YOURE AN AMAZING PERSON

    Daemon January 28, 2021 7:44 am
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ muah! in my opinion i dont think the professor should be teaching anymore like yeah i did like the genuine regret he was feeling but the fact still stays that he chose to continue that relatio... canela

    You know what?! I agree (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Prof shouldn't be a teacher anymore because even though Taejun came onto him, he had all the power and authority to make it stop! And he failed there (︶︿︶)=凸 He should just work on himself as a person and maybe find a different career.
    Awww, you're making me blush! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I'm so happy to have encountered all these users who are up for a discussion and don't take the slightest hint of dissent personally and start screeching and gate-keeping about 'how it's all fictional!1!1!1 don't you know the difference?2?2' like ok, calm down. Just because it's fictional doesn't mean that it's not rooted in reality. It's open to criticism and you don't need to take everything as a personal attack.

Daemon September 25, 2020 10:45 pm

Aigoo, he looks so good in it! Bae is also feeling itლ(´ڡ`ლ) Tbh, I have a real urge to peg him( ̄∇ ̄")

Daemon September 25, 2020 10:42 pm

Ngl, I don't really feel the chemistry between He Tian and Little Mo, or at least, it's not my type. I enjoyed it a lot more when the OG pair, Jian Yi and Zhen Xi were the main focus but I get why the author added more character. They're still my fave couple~

Ps. I can feel the fangirls rioting with thumbs down~

    IGNORITAL September 25, 2020 11:13 pm

    I think I feel a lot of chemistry

    IGNORITAL September 25, 2020 11:17 pm

    I can tell He tian likes Little Mo.. and I feel like Little Mo what’s to deny his feelings but we can tell he cares for him. Just like the time she tian got injured when they were in the forest in the rain and you could tell Little Mo was about to cry and when he saw He tian the first thing he did was hug him. And also He tian is very touchy, and he also gets jealous too, just like when the girl purposely, or not, fell on Little Mo he pushed her off before she could get to it. Idk I feel a lot of chemistry between them and I really like them a lot. All 4 of them are really interesting. Why don’t you feel any chemistry though? If anything I feel a lot of lingering chemistry between them though, also with Jian Yi and Zhen Xi

    Daemon September 25, 2020 11:27 pm
    I can tell He tian likes Little Mo.. and I feel like Little Mo what’s to deny his feelings but we can tell he cares for him. Just like the time she tian got injured when they were in the forest in the rain an... IGNORITAL

    Yeah, I get where you're from doe I clarified that in my first sentence; their relationship isn't really my type. I don't really recall the exact circumstances because I started reading this years ago, but their relationship and characters never really clicked for me like Jian Yi and Zhen Xi did, doe tbh I was also a little salty because those 2 were getting less screen time (imo) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I definitely don't dislike either He Tian or Little Mo, I like them both, I just don't care about the romantic aspect. (=・ω・=)

    Sangwoos_ashes September 26, 2020 2:03 am
    I can tell He tian likes Little Mo.. and I feel like Little Mo what’s to deny his feelings but we can tell he cares for him. Just like the time she tian got injured when they were in the forest in the rain an... IGNORITAL

    Yeah true

    IGNORITAL September 26, 2020 5:17 am
    Yeah, I get where you're from doe I clarified that in my first sentence; their relationship isn't really my type. I don't really recall the exact circumstances because I started reading this years ago, but thei... Daemon

    Oh okay. I love their relationship and I’m always looking for to them. Though I’m looking forward to all of them too. I just personally love them. But we all have our preferences and I can’t argue with you for that :)

    IGNORITAL September 26, 2020 5:17 am
    Oh okay. I love their relationship and I’m always looking for to them. Though I’m looking forward to all of them too. I just personally love them. But we all have our preferences and I can’t argue with yo... IGNORITAL

    Looking forward *

    Mac September 28, 2020 7:06 am

    I enjoy reading about Mo and He Tian for the character development. Their relationship feels like a journey. It makes you wonder will they ever get to the point that Jian Yi and Zhen Xi are at and with their relationship changing I feel a hope that it does so I want to see how it happens. With Jian Yi and Zhen Xi, you can tell that they love each other from start. The most “growth” we got from them is that love confession but even after that not much changed because they already are the most important people in each other lives. With these two I’m more interested in the future, what happens after “one day”. Jian Yi is trying to get back what might be have been lost during his time away and I wonder if Zhen Xi feels the same or wants to keep his distance so he didn’t go through that pain again.

    IGNORITAL September 28, 2020 8:02 am
    I enjoy reading about Mo and He Tian for the character development. Their relationship feels like a journey. It makes you wonder will they ever get to the point that Jian Yi and Zhen Xi are at and with their re... Mac

    I love this comment

    Daemon September 29, 2020 12:27 am
    I enjoy reading about Mo and He Tian for the character development. Their relationship feels like a journey. It makes you wonder will they ever get to the point that Jian Yi and Zhen Xi are at and with their re... Mac

    What a sweet comment ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ You just gave me a new interpretation of He Tian and Little Mo and I really liked it! Thanks for your reply~

Daemon September 25, 2020 10:39 pm

I keep chickening out. I love psychological manga/manwha/manhua/webtoon whatever but I really hate it when gore is shown visually. Like I can read gore but I can't see. Still, I'm really interested in this. To read or not to read; that is the question.

Daemon September 25, 2020 10:37 pm

I love a bamf!FL

Daemon September 25, 2020 10:36 pm

I was gonna yeet out of here if it delved too much into the furry territory but thank the Gods nothing happened! That being said, FL is beautiful and strong and please let her blond friend not be fucked over by plot.

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