So I know this is a weird request to put here but I'm desperate. I need help writing some stuff for my resume. I sent my old resume to be evaluated for free on zipjob. They basically said it was crap and the reason why I'm having a hard time getting a job. I agree I'm not the best with words especially if I have to write them down.
One of the problems was that while I was listing down the duties I did on my previous job I was too task focused instead of emphasizing achievements. They said " It's more effective to use ‘accomplishment statements’ instead. These help the employer imagine you delivering similar results at his or her company, which increases your chances of getting an interview." I'm having a really hard time doing this.
Now my old job was at an IFC/DD as a kitchen aide. I passed out food, learned all the clients diets and any restrictions that came with it, organized the kitchen, cleaned, etc. I'm having a specially hard time writing that we had a cleaning list of stuff we had to move to clean behind, it was something different everyday like the steam table, oven/stove or some racks in the pantry. The tasks were put on random days so I switched up the days we had to clean specific equipment to make it easier. I don't know how to write all this down in a accomplishment statement. Plz any help is greatly appreciated. The people at zipjob said they would work alongside me to rewrite my resume but the most basic package is $135 or 2 payments of $75. I don't have that kind of money. I'm jobless right now.
Any thoughts on his illness anyone???? First thing that I thought of was Malaria. I don't know why.