My guy can't get out without me , like no porn or anything can make him get off , if he controls it , he get obsessive with me . Like his most fav things hold no valves in that period of time ? Is it normal , should I be take it serious

if hes possessive, and even keeps you from seeing your friends, weather they are male of female, or anyone you care about, break up with the guy, hes not worth it. if he threatens you, call a family member, they'll keep him from you. Also, if he seems like a nice enough guy, just confront him about it kindly, and ask him whats up.

Maybe consider talking about putting and setting some boundaries?? I'd assume you're uncomfortable? But if you're jsut questioning, that still makes it a valid point to discuss about this possessive relationship....if he doesn't want to talk or agree with your terms, leave his ass. He might spiral you into deep shit if you get me

Hey guys, i looking for shoujo manga, it's completed or least it shows it is. It's about a girl who start to work in cake shop, there were 2 guys. One guys who makes the sweets, sleep and you have to feed him something to wake him up and the guy is rude i guess. That's all i know cuz i read only first few chapter and i would love to read it. Thank you

hey guys ! ... m looking for a yaoi manga , its about a president/CEO who is seme and a waiter who works in a coffee shop (uke). that president goes to the shop on break (excuse) to see uke . i remember this one part where the president was hell busy and his secterary wanted him to take a break he send some one over to ask him o deliver the coffe to president . its not a well known work and i think it was about 2-3 chapters long .

hi guys ..... well its a uke who works at this coffee shop and sems who is president and ceo of a company . the ceo comes to the coffe shop just to see uke , that show he feel in love with him , the next sense i remember was seme was so busy and he wont take a break , so the secretary asked uke to serve him coffee in the office. so he would take a break

hi guys ... m looking for a yaoi manga .... it about a seme who get hard as he dances , seme forcedor ra[ped the uke cuz the uke's dances turned him on

I don't remember well &read it long time ago but i guess this is.

just asking , if u work as typesetter , how much will i get paid .

Google is your best friend. I wouldn't count on asking here because a lot of readers are 18 and under.
But typsetting for translation groups is known to be $0 pay. They do all this, the scanning, cleaning, etc for fun and on their own time. Idk about real work out in the companies tho. That's where google comes in.
Hey guys , help me search for a yaoi manga , it's about president of some company(seem) falling in love with a teenage who works as part time in a coffee shop (uke) .