tree created a topic of Love Remedy

Bro said why aren’t you sleeping with me and then followed up with im ending your career, signs of a truly insane bastard

tree created a topic of My Damned XXX

I know everyone says food is a way to a persons heart but everytime Taesoo offered to cook for him, especially at the end where he was just like yeah I’ll take care of you forever I was like please if someone offered to cook for me I’d actually crumble even they just made me a pb&j but claiming to feed me forever? I’m cooked af

tree created a topic of My Little Doggy

Damn bro that was fucking cute I cant

tree created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Damn looking at their huge tiddies make my back hurt, they’re too powerful put them away

I know that people are mad at him for various reasons but I do just want to point out that not wanting to married is not the same as not wanting to be in a relationship for those saying he could never be committed, like plenty of people have strong long lasting relationships and don’t get married. Not to say you shouldn’t be mad at him I just wanted to point that out, I personally share his sentiment though and he’s at least trying to compromise to an extent. he’s not saying they can’t be happy together, we’ll probably get his reasoning later as per uje.

tree created a topic of My Damned XXX
tree created a topic of Plin's Love Juice

Actually I wanna talk about the white haired probably cat family guy in the first panel pls

Wait the tiger is so cute I am so in love with him I need him now

Stop he’s too cute, and so is she, and the cat, I can’t take it anymore also his hair when he opened the window

tree created a topic of Placebo Memories

Also them when they’re little are so cute, bof of em crying broke my heart tho like why are kids so silly (they’re unfortunately even sillier as adults )

tree created a topic of Placebo Memories

Still thinking about the brother lmao hope he stays safe out there with these two goons

tree created a topic of Renchin!

Yes taguchi speak ur truth ! No but seriously I need to know what happens with him please

tree created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Idek y I came to read this update with any hope, can’t wait to watch him die twice

tree created a topic of I Have To Be A Great Villain

“You took him?!” Was literally my response too I thought I was silly for a second

tree created a topic of Hirano to Kagiura

Please Hirano blushing is too cute I’m gonna die

tree created a topic of My Damned XXX

Started off with aw he’s so sad and pouty

tree created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

I so desperately want what they have

tree created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I love cirrus I really do but god damn sometimes I hate him and his sillyness like bro just needs a hug but goes to war instead

tree created a topic of Jinx


tree created a topic of Three Men, One Chinchilla

Was literally just thinking about how I haven’t sent this in a minute