Ngl I don’t really like any of the characters, they’re all somewhat annoying.... literally I think the only one I tolerate right now is Noelle cause she hasn’t really done anything yet ... but I just I dunno man lmfaoo it’s repetitive

Same. Idk why but the fact that like 50% of the reasons why he blames himself are because the girls messed up and then blamed him....and then they pretend to be surprised when he wants to leave?
Like wtf. When he first got there they made him sleep outside and one of them secually assaults him. The next day he's minding his own business showering and one of them is so self-centered she doesn't realize he's in there only to scream and play victim.
Then half of them vote to keep him and half don't (of the half that don't want him is the girl who gave him a BJ. Mixed messages much?).
And a whole bunch of other issues where the girls pushed boundaries and then turned around and blamed him.
I honestly feel so bad for him
I got no words