I’m sorry to say this but I really fuckin hate that Grace bitch like the story would be so much better without her being a fuckin dumbass and annoying and weak and airheaded like dude how r u even a princess if ur that stupid, she’s also a big burden to zero. Like ugh I’m so friggin mad like literally this whole fuckin time she’s been a whiny little ass bitch, again a burden, and so obsessive towards zero like she owns him like stfu he only help u a a couple time and treated u kindly and now u acting like u own the dude like the spoiled brat u r goddamn. And here I thought there’d be actually a character development but noooo she just had to make zeros like so much harder, and I understand that thanks to her the plot is great but overall she’s only really been a big spoiled brat
Anyways if you’ve read this whole thing thank u for coming to my TedTalk
It’s cute and all but this was so short, and not much even happened.....