lmao idk why i thought hijikata was ironing at the end when it's clearly a f*cking ash tray
on pg 30 is gin okay, he hit that wall pretty hard lol
idk maybe it's the piano music i'm listening to but that ending's making me emotional
don't trust what the voice in the air vent says
i'm glad doyhun's got some of his fighting spirit back
of all the people who could've found hijikata it had to be a group of the worst people smh and also f*ck gin for leaving hijikata in such a vulnerable position
ngl i'm loving these kinds of stories
This fricker. They're gay, so what? Leave 'em alone, they ain't hurting you.
idk if it's just me but idk what's going on half the time but it's amusing and i love it.
i don't understand how gin could do this to hijikata and not feel bad about it
lmao idk why i thought hijikata was ironing at the end when it's clearly a f*cking ash tray